Rebeca was deeply unhappy. Surveying the area had revealed at least two individuals who were responsible for disturbing the parade, a man and a woman. That was just the initial count, to do something this colossally stupid, there were probably more. Both people that she knew of each used four Pokemon to make their attacks: three to go on the offensive, one to stay on defense. That meant that, despite their apparent stupidity, they actually did have an idea of what they were doing. This wasn’t a spur of the moment idea, it was planned. Waves of heat started billowing off of Rebeca’s body, causing the crowd to part around her. One of the things that she didn’t like was the sheer number of people still around. At first things had been very panicked, pushing and shoving in their desperation to escape. Then a sweet smell had descended, and Rebeca could hear Tantalus shouting. [i][color=crimson]Oh good, he decided to be helpful.[/color][/i] Maybe he would be one less thing that she would have to worry about in this situation, but there were still too many people around. As the crowd began to thin, Rebeca took another look around to locate her target, and made a very interesting discovery. Unlike much of the crowd, there was one white-haired girl who was [u]not[/u] running away, the opposite in fact, with a Ninetales keeping pace with her. It was hard to tell at this distance, but she couldn’t have been much older than Rebeca herself. Grinding her teeth, Rebeca changed directions and moved to intercept the girl. [i][color=crimson]Dammit girl. Just because you have Pokemon with you doesn’t mean you should try to play the-[/color][/i] Then the girl sprouted [u]wings[/u], and a bright [u]fireball[/u] formed between her hands. Rebeca blinked. [i][color=crimson]What the… fire? Wings? Who the fuck is she?[/color][/i] A small grin crossed her face. [i][color=crimson]Well alright then, Marble. You and I are going to have to talk later.[/color][/i] The crowd was now thin enough that Rebeca could get a more or less clear view of the area, and her eyes locked onto a single target. Standing several dozen feet away was a man in white clothes, standing with his arms folded as he watched the attack. Standing beside him was a Golem who looked severely overdue for a molt, based on the sheer number of cracks and scars in its shell. Rotating her wrists, emitting small cracks from the joints, she took slow steps towards the pair. [i][color=crimson]Okay big guy, why don’t you tell me what your dimwit trainer is trying to pull here, huh?[/color][/i] For a few moments, the Golem looked startled to hear a voice in his head. Then he gave the avatar a cruel grin. [i]Ya really think ya can stop our master plan?[/i] the Pokemon communicated with a growl. [i]We are Alliance! We are destiny! We are--[/i] At that moment, the trainer’s Gourgeist snuck up and attacked Rebeca from behind with a Razor Leaf. The Golem let out a roaring laugh and charged forward at reckless speed, preparing a Heavy Slam. Rebeca winced when she felt the sharp leaves slice across her shoulders and spine. Turning her head, she looked over her shoulder at the Pumpkin Pokemon. “[color=crimson]Ow.[/color]” Electricity crackled around her fist, and she swung around, striking it in the head in a back-handed blow that sent it flying several feet. “[color=crimson]You are annoying.[/color]” Actually, it hurt quite a bit. [i][color=crimson]Been a while since I had to deal with a Grass type. At least, I think that’s what this thing is.[/color][/i] She turned her attention towards the rampaging Golem, and the black markings across her body began to glow a dull red. The temperature in the air began rising rapidly, and in the sky above the sun began to shimmer and waver slightly through the heat waves. Rebeca held out her hand, her eyes narrowing. [i][color=crimson]Hilarious, buddy. But it doesn’t answer my question.[/color][/i] As the Golem got closer, the ground in front of it trembled slightly. It was the only warning the Megaton Pokemon had, and by the time it would have realized the impending attack, it would have been too late to avoid it. As it stepped on the trembling spot, the pavement split open in a geyser of rock, magma and steam, the impact knocking it off balance and even lifting it into the air. Rebeca blinked. [i][color=crimson]Steam? Oh, yeah, right. City. That means pipes, doesn’t it. Whoops.[/color][/i] When the Golem crashed to the ground, its own momentum sending it rolling forward, Rebeca rushed to meet it. Sliding to a stop, she crouched low and allowed it to impact with her, her fingers digging into the joins between the bedrock plates of its shell. Grunting, she lifted, the muscles in her arms and legs straining and cording with the effort. A short, harsh growl ripped from her throat as she heaved, twisting about to slam the Golem onto its back, embedding it into the ground. [i][color=crimson]You guys are a lot easier to handle when you’re stuck on your back, and you in particular are a pain in my ass. Now, if you’re not going to be nice and explain what’s going on,[/color][/i] She glared down at its clearly surprised face. [i][color=crimson]Stay. Put. Or I will boil you inside your shell.[/color][/i] She turned her gaze upon the now lone trainer, and a deep, low growl rumbled in her throat.