[center][img]http://gameplay.pl/galeria/ilustracja/217_165634713.png[/img][/center][hr] [b]Abandoned Roxxon R&D Facility, Secret Interior, One Tearful Confession Later[/b] Even without Shrike's information this place would have been easy enough for Marc Spector to find eventually. A layer of dust disturbed more recently than the rest around a cabinet of old lab supplies, the slight scent in the air of oxidizing metal when the surfaces around it were stainless steel and clean of rust, hairline seams in the floor and wall where the cabinet itself would slide aside. They all told him at a moment's notice that this room contained a secret passage, a thick reinforced vault door hidden behind the cabinet in question. Shrike had given him the combination, so he could easily open the door nice and quietly as his Shadow Walk concealed him from Milo until he was right behind the scientist likely busy in his lab, apprehend him quickly and quietly for questioning before he even knew anyone was here like a true Ghost of the Moon. [color=silver][i][b]But where's the fun in that?[/b][/i][/color] He could sense the light of the full moon filling him with power and the night air thrumming with Khonshu's delight as he placed his hands upon the slightly protruding sides of the door, braced himself and wrenched with all his might. With a scream of tortured metal the thick steel door first warped then tore away entirely in a small explosion of plaster and debris, hoisting it above his head before turning and tossing it across the room accompanied by a thunderous boom. The sudden growling and whining of threatened but very real wolves met his ears as he rushed down the passage and he moved through a laboratory area filled with the poor starving animals in cages, though more unusually also a steel, restraint-covered table and a circle of silver in the floor inlaid with various symbols Khonshu told him were of mystical significance. Paying little heed to these strange clues for the moment he crumpled a thinner steel security door with first a shoulder ram, then a well placed side-kick. Milo was there, had heard him coming because that was the idea, shaking like a leaf in a gale and with an acrid stain slowly spreading across his pants as he cowered under a desk. Moon Knight kicked the desk over in a crash of oak splinters and hauled the bowl-cut-bearing scientist up by the lab-coat. [color=silver][b]"Listen Milo, I've had a long night so let's make this simple. My name is Moon Knight and you're going to tell me everything you know about this little werewolf project or I'm going to break your legs, open all of those cages and [i]leave you here.[/i]"[/b] [/color] "P-P-Please, don't kill me! I work for hire, it was only a job! I have no idea what they plan to do with it!" [color=silver][b]"Who!?"[/b][/color] Then it all poured out in a rush of babbled information. Apparently his bladder wasn't the only thing Milo lost control of when he was afraid. "I-I never saw faces or heard names I swear! It started with an email and a wire transfer, saying there would be a whole lot more if I accepted the commission to create werewolves to their specifications. What else was I supposed to do? I work in New York, I've taken stranger requests! But once the serum was complete they started demanding tests! So I found that paralyzed former Decathalon star, Lupus! I told him the serum would restore his body to working order, that he'd be the next Olympic Gold Medalist! I never predicted the effects it would have on his psyche, the enhanced aggression, the drive to kill! I-I-I told them we needed to stop, refine the process at the least! But they just demanded I make more instead, sent that hired gun Killer Shrike to make sure I did the job and they got the shipments on time! Please, just don't kill me, that's all I know I swear!" Mentally, Moon Knight sighed in frustration. It was clear that Milo was a pawn, unless he had trained himself to dilate his pupils, shake, sweat and piss on command to fool interrogators and ruin their boots. Still, he needed to press him. He couldn't let this night turn up empty, especially if the Werewolf Serum and the perpetrators were still out there. [color=silver][b]"I need something to work with Milo. I'm getting impatient and the wolves look hungry."[/b][/color] "B-but I already told you every-Wait! How could I forget! They used a name for their organization once! The Committee! They called themselves The Committee!" It was at least something. Moon Knight threw Milo through the wrecked doorway and onto the restraining table, then crossed the threshold and strapped him in before he could react. He searched for a moment to retrieve a few leftover syringes of the Werewolf serum for analysis, then turned to walk out. "W-wait, what about the wolves! What if they get out of their cages?" [color=silver][b]"Don't worry dear Professor. I'm certain they have better taste than that."[/b][/color] Once outside again, Moon Knight spoke into the headset in his cowl-covered helmet. "Frenchie, you there?" Marc Spector's eternal companion answered, albeit proceeded by a yawn. Marc had gotten used to his friend's thick accent over the years, and even slurred by the need for sleep he hardly noticed it, though he sometimes wished the same could be said for his fellow ex-mercenary's sense of humor. "Of course, Marc. You know the doctors all say I have insomnia. They would eat their stethoscopes if only they knew I was only trying to keep up with the sleeping habits of a dead man, no?" "Frenchie-" "I've told you before Marc, I'm funnier in French. Now what do you need?" "A lift back to base in the Mooncopter for one. The Angelwing got shut down during a little skirmish with our old friend Simon Maddicks." Spector could hear the questions in Frenchie's voice, but he knew better than to delay things. "You should stop playing so rough with your toys Marc, eventually we won't be able to fix them. What else?" "Bring Lupus here, then Contact Detective Flint through the usual channels. Tell him Mr.Knight left him three more for the Loony Bin tonight, and make sure he brings animal control with him." "Animal control? Did you have difficulty trying to catch a stray again? You know Marlene won't let you keep dogs in the mansion Marc." "And you know that's not what happened, just come get me and make the call. Oh and while you're at it one more thing. I need you to set up a meeting with Amos Lardner. Ask him to get me everything he knows on a group calling themselves 'The Committee'."[hr] [b]One Of Any Nondescript Office Buildings Dark Interior, 3:00 AM[/b] In the boardroom of one particular office complex, a strange meeting occurred witnessed only by a few rare souls and the unblinking eye of the moon. Holographic images flickered in each chair at the table, created via projectors normally hidden under the floor. Though each image was quite distinct via clothing, body type and mannerisms, each had their faces obscured and their voices modulated so as to be largely unrecognizable. One image spoke first, one in an immaculate black suit with a smooth basso of a voice. "The Committee Will Come To Order!" The rest of the figures repeated the phrase in turn, each bowing their heads momentarily before the black suited man continued. "Ladies and Gentleman of The Committee, I know you are all wondering why I have called this emergency meeting at this late hour and many of you have been inconvenienced, so I shall not keep you in suspense. Project Úlfhéðnar has been discovered and the production side has been shut down. In addition Technomancer has been captured by the police along with Killer Shrike and our first Werewolf. We are in effect unable to produce any more of Technomancer's serum." A woman in a red dress and broad brimmed hat spoke up next, obviously concerned. "Who was it that defeated them? The Justice League? The Spider-Men? Daredevil? Shrike was hardly our best or most trusted, but certainly a competent agent..." The black-clad man spoke again "None of them. Our sources within the New York City police department tell us that it was someone called 'Moon Knight'. As I am the one in charge of our New York operations, I'll be dealing with him though I doubt it was more than a fluke. Besides, he has hardly compromised even a fraction of our real plans. Wolf, as things will have to be accelerated where do we stand on Project Úlfhéðnar's readiness for full deployment?" A somewhat bestial figure was the next to reply with a growl in his voice, though it was mellowed by surprisingly cultured overtones "Dear little Professor Milo gave us plenty of his concoction before he was captured, and my warriors are training even now. We need only run a few more tests." The black suited figure nodded in acknowledgement "Excellent. Meanwhile I shall dispense of this 'Moon Knight'. Perhaps he would be a good candidate to test another of our supernatural weapons in due time. Worry not fellow members for sooner or later this new interloper will fall, our existence will be secret once more and then: The World Will Come to Order!" The statement was greeted by a chorus of agreement and then the holograms faded, leaving the room once more empty with only the moon for its' light.