[h3] [color=darkturquoise]Devon[/color] & [color=#FFCC66]Pent[/color][/h3] The disturbing aura still distracted the Lucario, Shinon, for a tic before he felt the presence of multiples. Turning to face the newcomers, he gave them a nod, his eyes trailing to the clearly protective Arcanine. After a moment, Shinon’s gaze met the wheelchair-bound young woman’s. Using his aura, Shinon communicated to his trainer, [color=#46bddf][i]It would appear this Trainer wishes to travel with us.[/i][/color] Blinking a few times, Pent wasn't entirely sure what his Pokémon was even going on about until she spoke. Turning to face the young woman, he blinked a few times while propping himself up against his staff. [color=#FFCC66]"O-Oh, my apologies I didn't even see you there... Hello! Yes, we're enroute to Vertigo City."[/color] His gentle brown eyes scanned the Trainer's Pokémon. He then thought to himself, [color=#FFCC66][i]She doesn't appear to be a novice Trainer? Though, that [/i]is[i] a Service Pokémon...[/i][/color] Devon walked along beside Pent and Shinon uncomfortably, still wondering what the entire commotion with Missy from a few minutes previously was about. Staring at the ground, he frowned as his thoughts raced with questions. [color=darkturquoise][i]What was that all about? Shinon freaked out, and Missy got just as freaky…..I’ve never seen her just run into her ball like that…..There was Maple’s Rhyperior running around outside, did Shinon think it was gonna attack her? Why? What was it looking for?[/i][/color] Then Pent spoke up about the girl heading their way, cutting off his train of thought. Devon turned his head up and spotted the wheelchair bound teen and her companions. Eye’s going wide. [color=darkturquoise][i]She’s in a wheelchair…...Just like Seva’s brother…..Jeez….[/i][/color] Finally shaking off the thoughts, the brown haired teen addressed the newcomer with a smile. [color=darkturquoise]"Hi. We sure are. You going the same way I assume?"[/color] The Lucario let out a soft grunt, about to mention something to Pent when. A... Quagsire appeared before him? Blinking a few times, the Aura Pokémon looked over the slightly taller Water Fish Pokémon. It was clearly fascinated with his bracer, and he let out a sigh. Finally, he addressed the Quagsire in his native tongue, [color=#46bddf][/color] Holding up his arm, he tapped at the Lucarionite with one of his pads, [color=#46bddf][/color] Devon’s own Pokémon walking just to his right looked on at the new faces, with Shock the Ampharos snickering as the large blue Water Fish leaned in over Shinon. [color=yellow][/color] Staring down at his own Ampharosite locked onto his silver neck brace, the Light Pokémon spaced out for a few moments before turning back up and waving at the girl and her team. [color=yellow][/color] Quill, standing right next to Devon’s left leg looked over the other teen and her odd group of Pokémon. The Monferno crossed his arms, scanning them until he spotted the Arcanine glaring at all of them. Sighing, he addressed the other Fire-type. [color=orangered][/color] Cyan was the most direct out of all of them, making a scene to Shock’s left by rapidly waving her tiny blue arms in front of her. The Marill had a wide smile. [color=cyan][/color] [@Draconequis]