Haha alright. I was told to just skim through and with my eyes I just looked for hiders or CS's or else I would've been looking through the whole thing reading every little bit. that's why I ask these things and hope people are will to not say 'Well you could always go look' (No offense who ever said that! You had no idea XD). But I really like my idea on it and it needs to be a Montgomery partially because of the father, plus I just hink it's best for the character. So good luck to ya! If not I'll have to think of something else cause I don't believe I could modify this one to fit somewhere else haha. Edit: Well actually I suppose it'd be possible, but I'd need to change up some ideas, but I think it's also the only middle aged daughter left, so unless the GM wants to make a youngest aged one in there or in the Edmonds I'd have to just make a new idea.