Kali looked confused for a moment, then very happy, then suddenly a little worried. She'd heard about changelings from her parents, and while they were certainly very interesting from a research prospective, their particular method of... Feeding, was a more than a little disconcerting. Eating meat was one thing, that was just natural, but feeding off emotions just seemed [i]wrong.[/i] Kali returned to her smile, but still seemed a tad freaked out. Aster definitely seemed nice, but was that just a personality she used to feed? "I, uh, apologize if this is a little forward, but technically Changelings fall into my line of work, and while I haven't done extensive research in your kind, I do know that they feed on emotions of love. What do you feed on?" Kali shifted uncomfortably, then continued. "Your friend doesn't seem to show the signs of being fed on, but... I'm sorry, is this rude?" Kali reddened and lowered her head. "Please ignore me if I'm being rude."