Here is my CS. I made a last minute change with the powers since I feel the Montgomery family has too many 'squishies' and opted for an ability with a high defensive potential: terrakinesis or earth-bending. [hider=Arsene Montgomery][center][h1][color=662d91]Arsene Montgomery[/color][/h1][img][/img] [i]”A number of porcupines huddled together for warmth on a cold day in winter; but, as they began to prick one another with their quills, they were obliged to disperse. However the cold drove them together again, when just the same thing happened. At last, after many turns of huddling and dispersing, they discovered that they would be best off by remaining at a little distance from one another.”[/i] –[b]Arthur Schopenhauer[/b][/center] [hr] [b][u][color=662d91]Name;;[/color][/u][/b] [indent]Arsene Simon Montgomery[/indent][b][u][color=662d91]Nickname;;[/color][/u][/b] [indent]Arsene. He generally doesn't like nicknames, and thinks it's sloppy or rude to call someone who doesn't wish to be addressed with a nickname. He however doesn't mind being referred to as 'Quake' since it's the name of a popular 'shooter' franchise and references his ability.[/indent][b][u][color=662d91]Age;;[/color][/u][/b] [indent]17[/indent][b][u][color=662d91]Gender;;[/color][/u][/b] [indent]Male[/indent][b][u][color=662d91]Sexuality;;[/color][/u][/b] [indent]Asexual[/indent][b][u][color=662d91]Relationship Status;;[/color][/u][/b] [indent]Single[/indent][b][u][color=662d91]Role;;[/color][/u][/b] [indent]Youngest son[/indent][b][u][color=662d91]Appearance;;[/color][/u][/b] [indent]Arsene has short, light brown hair and blue eyes. He is kind of small and lanky with a bit of a lazy slouch and shrinking mannerisms. He dresses very plainly, with t-shirts and jeans. The nicest he'll dress is by replacing his t-shirt with a button-up shirt, and his jeans with dress pants. He'll only wear a suit if pushed by his parents.[/indent][b][u][color=662d91]Likes;;[/color][/u][/b] [list][*]Feeling secure, having certainty[*]Science, science fiction, robots[*]The ocean, sea life[*]Technology, computers[*]Nature, outdoors[*]Night, darkness, gloomy weather[*]Intellectualism, philosophy[/list][b][u][color=662d91]Dislikes;;[/color][/u][/b] [list][*]Socializing, the inscrutability of human social interactions, chatty people[*]The Edmonds, The Davidsons[*]Chaos, losing control[*]The idea of sex and romance[*]The concept of money[*]Ignorance, people who refuse to be objective[*]Mind- and mood-altering substances[/list][b][u][color=662d91]Hobbies;;[/color][/u][/b] [list][*]Video games[*]Camping[*]Reading[/list][b][u][color=662d91]Habits;;[/color][/u][/b] [list][*]Brings his hands close to his chest when nervous, sometimes wrings them, a chronic nailbiter[*]Plays MMO's casually, but regularly[*]Tends to keep his frustrations to himself, tends to explode afterwards[/list][b][u][color=662d91]Fears;;[/color][/u][/b] [list][*]Being dominated, physically, mentally, and emotionally[*]Crowds and wide open spaces[/list][b][u][color=662d91]Personality;;[/color][/u][/b][center][u]♦ Intelligent ♦ Condescending ♦ Accommodating ♦ Unstable ♦[/u][/center] [indent]Arsene is an introverted and thoughtful individual. As the youngest of five siblings, he's had to balance being babied and being the runt. This has resulted in a dichotomous personality, one that desires to stand out above the rest but also desires to placate the strongest personalities in order to reduce conflict. By focusing on the utilitarian overall happiness and peace of the household, Arsene has chosen, to a certain extent, to suppress his own opinions and desires. However, his pride in the power of his mind, the one thing he believes is truly his, cannot be contained, and is the main source of disagreements between him and his siblings who may find him unbearably pedantic at times. In the end, he loves his family and has divided the world into two types of people: his family, and everyone else. How he treats these two types is drastically clear. Arsene desires peace, stability, and security above all else and is not hesitant to enact draconian and violent measures against the other families to attain the order he craves. Arsene can easily fall into a rage and become impossible to reason with until after his rage subsides. He also misdirects his anger away from his own family, so even if he was originally annoyed by one of his siblings, he will lash out at someone else. This nepotism, this bias, is glaringly subjective and flies in the face of the objective individual he wishes he was but it is something he actively chooses to ignore. Arsene is a little emotionally underdeveloped, he had started acting a little too much like an adult at too young an age.[/indent][b][u][color=662d91]Ability;;[/color][/u][/b] [indent]Arsene has the ability to control the earth in a five meter radius around himself. The controlled earthen matter can move at a maximum speed of five meters per second. He can use this power to reabsorb earth or earth-like materials back into the ground.[/indent][b][u][color=662d91]Limitations;;[/color][/u][/b] [indent]Arsene cannot intentionally break off parts that he is controlling so cannot 'fling' rocks at enemies using his power. He cannot control any earth or earth-like materials that are not connected to the ground until he has reabsorbed it into the ground. He cannot levitate earth or earth-like materials. Arsene cannot violate the conservation of mass, earth he raises in one side of his field of control must cause earth to lower in another part. He therefore cannot ride a pillar of earth upwards indefinitely as he cannot pull more material from the ground after he has passed five meters away from it. Dry sand is too loose for him to control, but wet sand, soil and solid rock is fine.[/indent][b][u][color=662d91]History;;[/color][/u][/b] [indent]Arsene barely remembers a life outside of Millbrook, having spent the majority of his conscious years in this city. He has some recollection of when the families were united, but those memories are not very strong. His strongest impression of the other families is one of hatred and betrayal. Arsene was not exactly bullied as a child, but his parents, having gone through four previous children, raised him in a sort of matter-of-fact way, one that was a little less affectionate. Arsene demonstrated a high intelligence from a young age and was something of a precocious youngster. He did well in class with very little effort, and his pride in this achievement may have caused some resentment and distance with some of his older siblings who did not excel as much. With the family business being what it was, Augustus wanted his children to excel, and inadvertently used Arsene's academic success to cause undesired pressure on his siblings, making Arsene a source of some of their grief. Arsene internalized this resentment and vowed to 'make it up' to his siblings by being acquiescent and accommodating. If ever there was strife in the household, he blamed it on external factors, namely, the government and the gang war. In a rather simplistic manner, he came to the conclusion that destroying the other families would bring peace to the Montgomery home. It was something of a wish come true when it became clear that Arsene's power had enormous destructive potential, and other than having a limited range, Arsene didn't seem to become exhausted as quickly from overuse of his power. He meticulously tested what his limits were and strives to push them on a regular basis. Arsene is a little obsessed with his destructive power and can often be megalomaniacal and abusive of his power.[/indent][b][u][color=662d91]Extra;;[/color][/u][/b] [indent]James Earl Jones[/indent][/hider]