The letter was short and to the point. ‘Castle Dour, Solitude - 9th of Sun’s Dawn.’ It included barely any explanation why or how the writer knew of Neria and her desire to avenge the Dragonborn. Maybe this was part of the reason she hadn’t hesitated to leave the tavern the same night, walking through the whole night and the following day, in order to arrive in time. The guards at the gate however posed another problem. Initially the imbecile, who called himself a proud imperial guard, believed her to be a stormcloak spy, despite the fact that there were probably as many dunmer with the nord rebels as brains inside this particular imperial’s skull. The second guard who appeared shortly after was undoubtedly blessed with more common sense; he however brought up a good point. There was no apparent reason to let Neria pass, her arrival was not expected. Slowly getting frustrated, Neria pulled out the letter she had received and showed it to the second guard. The big door to the war chamber opened slowly. Neria took a few steps inside, accompanied by four guards. With ten people present the room seemed somewhat crowded. The most prominent figure being General Tilius - Neria had never seen the man before, but his armor made him stand out like a bear in a flock of sheep. ‘Sir,’ the first guard approached the General ‘this woman claims she’s been invited here. She had this letter with her. It’s got your signature on it.’ Tilius took the paper and inspected it closely. The guard cleared his throat: ‘Ahem, sir. I believe she might be a spy for the damned stormcloaks.’ The general took a long look at the female dunmer, head to toes. ‘I somehow doubt it. I assume you belong to her?’ He nicked his head toward a chair with a young female imperial seated on it. The woman smiled. “[color=green]Apparently.[/color]”