The gathering of Dawnguards widened as three nobodies interrupted their execution. None of them were expecting Sevine to just walk up and brashly throw their boss to the ground. The instance she did that, four crossbows instantly trained on her. None of them shot though, in fear of any bolts penetrating and hitting their leader. Then the Imperial. Sagax, who looked like he toured the Deadlands, dragged himself into the fiasco. Vampire hunters looked at him as if he was a stray urchin, rather than a proper threat. Finally, Rhasha the Khajiit budged in. His presence was a diplomatic one. If not for his convenient intervention, some itchy trigger finger would have slipped. "The Khajiit has a point." A muffled voice came from the circle. Lowering the crossbow and taking off his helmet, the Dawnguard revealed a Dunmer man. "I know her, she was there since the beginning. She stormed Volkihar Keep with Isran." "So was I." The Nord man, their de facto leader, countered. "Stay away from the meddling outsiders." He warned the Dunmer. "You!" Turning to Sevine, he aimed the crossbow square on her chest. "Get yourself and your friends out of here. And for the record, I'll shoot you if dare to lay a finger on me again." Something unexpected followed. The Dunmer stepped forward and took the Nord's crossbow away in one swift motion. The men stood face to face, neither of them backing down. Sensing a crisis at hand, another Dawnguard spoke up, then another. Soon, everyone was taking sides. Six sided with Dunmer, two more remained with the Nord. They formed two lines, sandwiching the meddlers and the vampire in between. "If you must," The vampire perked up, jarring everyone back to their original question. "Take me back to the fort. Isran and the others will judge me." "Very well." The Dunmer nodded. Moving to the vampire's side, he shot a glance at the Nord. "We've decided. She shall be in the guards' captivity until we are able to depart." "Munoel, you'll regret this." The Nord warned. "Your sister must turning in her grave. Her sibling sympathetic for her killer." He threw up his hands in frustration, then taking back his weapon and paddled away with his followers. Before he disappeared from view, the Nord made sure to leave an antagonizing look to Sevine. "By the three." The Dunmer, Munoel, sighed. He signaled for three men to escort the vampire away. "What a day we had." Hanging his head for a moment and then brought his eyes back the meddlers, the trio he neglected in the heat of argument. "Thank you for diffusing the tension." Munoel acknowledge Rhasha, tone appreciating, if not outright relieved. "I never wanted anyone hurt outside of necessity, and thanks to you, no one was." Shifting to Sevine, Munoel did not seem as impressed. "While I appreciate your opinion, Hramon obviously doesn't." Munoel pointed to the Nord Dawnguard sulking away. "Look, don't stick your no─" Words stiff and cold, he caught himself mid-sentence and sighed again. "I mean, we can handle our own. It was extremely risky to insert yourself like that." As the vampire was being taken away, a Dawnguard delivered her crossbow to Munoel. Examining it briefly, he offered the weapon and a quiver of six bolts to Rhasha. "Take it, I saw you on the ramparts. You might appreciate the extra punch." He offered. "For saving Ana, uh, Anika, our former leader. Before she left a year ago, she and I were, well, close. I dared not to think what the vile daedra did to her, but you saw her just as I did; a human no matter her curse." While busy with everything, Sagax became no more noticeable than a lamp post. Eventually a Dawnguard found him, more accurately, collided head-on with him. "Sorry friend, I'm afraid you have to go somewhere else." The Dawnguard apologized, only after taking a quick scan of Sagax's conditions. "Busy, I know. Don't bother with the healer by the main gate, she got her hands full with this feisty wood elf. Never seen anyone thrash around like that after losing an arm. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised; she had the gall to swing a warhammer at the Kamal's face."