[color=8882be][h3]Lauren Negasi[/h3] [i]Oh fuck.[/i][/color] As soon as they'd all had the span of a single breath to register what they were looking at when Ben threw open the freezer door, Lauren and the captain had moved forward to each pick up one of the frozen survivors and bring them out to the center of the cafeteria, where the other half of their team stood. Lauren had taken the one who had been pounding on the door, and she aimed him her best reassuring smile (for all the good it would do through frost-encrusted eyes) and whispered reassurances in his ear as she walked. [color=8882be]"It's okay, fam. We're from Beacon,"[/color] she said gently, setting him down alongside his friend and crouching. [color=8882be][i]What happened to this place? What were you doing in the freezer? What happened to this place? What HAPPENED to this place?[/i][/color] were the barrage of questions bursting to come out from her chest, but she put that on hold for a second and looked to her teammates. [color=8882be]"Ben, you need to get Jack on the Batphone. Tell him that we've found people in the cafeteria. Desire, Sangue, you guys should start getting the frozen clothes off of them. This place is a cafeteria, so it's got to have ovens. Microwaves. Pitchers for water. Aprons, gloves, fucking hairnets even. I'm gonna go look in the back. You guys? Stay alive. We're getting you outta here."[/color] ... [color=8882be]"...Er. After your all clear, Cap."[/color] "What she said. Good plan, Negasi." Ben might normally have made a quip about authority, but this wasn't the time. And the faint frown on his face while he reached for the radio showed it. With a quick smile, Lauren was off to the races by the time Ben had even started to drawl her name. BASL's resident brawler vaulted over the buffet line towards that unholy fiefdom so often ruled by scowling lunch ladies, and began scouring for the kitchen's heat sources.