[center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e4/Chinese_to_be_beheaded_in_Nanking_Massacre.jpg[/img][h1][color=#FF0000]THE RAPE OF NANKING[/color][/h1] [/center] [hr] [b]Overview:[/b] The Rape of Nanking was an episode in the 2nd Sino-Japanese War that saw indiscriminate mass rape and mass killing upon the Chinese inhabitants of the city of Nanking by soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Military. The worst of it occurred from December 13, 1937 to the end of January, 1938, in a span of six weeks. The scale of the murder was such that the city's population was reduced by about a third. It ranks among the most heinous war crimes to have been committed in the Second World War because of its scale, its duration and the systematic methods of murder impressed upon the city's inhabitants by the Japanese. The death toll stretched between 50,000 to 300,000 casualties. As a deeply dishonorable and embarrassing act, Japan today denies the fact that the massacre, indeed, happened. Atrocities committed include: [list] [*]The selective rape of young women, by standing them in line and and choosing the prettiest among them [*]Beheading contests between officers who owned swords [*]Using civilians for target practice [*]And much more! [/list] [b]The Players:[/b] You will be playing as members of the Imperial Japanese Army or IJN ground forces, holding any rank of your choosing from Private to Colonel. You may choose to join in on the massacre or be one of the few Japanese to show mercy and attempt to protect the people of Nanking. Either way is quite fine. [b]Point Scoring System:[/b] For this RP, there will be a point scoring system. It is a simple one: the GM will read your act of evil or mercy and give you points based on the action's extent. So, the more heinous, the better; the kinder, the better. Points gained will be mentioned in every GM post. When the in-RP date reaches January 31, 1938 and the atrocities have more or less calmed down, the RP will end and the GM will evaluate the karma of all participating players, giving each one of them an epilogue of their fate after the events of the RP. Doing something of great import or consequence will of course reap lots of negative or positive karma, especially if you are an officer. When you reach a threshold for nastiness, the Far East Tribunal, after World War II, will [i]probably[/i] try to hunt you down in your epilogue. Or, they might not, hoping not to tarnish post-war relations with Japan overmuch with the emergence of the Cold War. [b]Writing Style:[/b] Please keep your posts tasteful as much as possible even though we are writing about mass rape and murder. Try to substitute blunt, common words for much more flowery literary ones. Simply put, do your best not to be vulgar. It is encouraged that players operate in the same unit for maximum synergy. Long, collaborative posts by and between players are also encouraged. You have absolute narrative control over NPC's where it is reasonable. So you do not have to wait for the GM to respond when you are beating a man to death and you are asking him why's he hitting himself. [hider=The Character Sheet:] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Physical Description/Picture:[/b] [b]Rank:[/b] Private to Colonel COMMANDS: Private - Himself and his buddy Corporal - Small section of up to 5 men Sergeant - Squad of up to 12 men Lieutenant - Platoon of up to 50+ men Captain and Major - Company of up to 270+ men Lt. Col. and Colonel - Battalion of up to 1,000+ men Brigadier General - Brigade/Regiment of up to 6,000+ men [b]Unit:[/b] Specify unit type and/or name (ex. company supply train, platoon heavy machinegun section, or something like "2nd Battalion, 446th Infantry" if you are of a high-enough rank to command such a force). It is encouraged that players work together in the same unit for maximum synergy when committing atrocities. [b]Skills:[/b] Because of the RP's context, these will probably be useless. [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] [b]Equipment:[/b] These can be found easily via Google. [/hider] [hr] I will make the OOC when enough interest has gathered. Be sure to sharpen your katanas well till then!