[h3]South Bay Hangar[/h3][hr] [i][indent]As weapons roared to life on the narrow walkway, the mercenaries either ducked for cover or opened fire at the pair of mightily armed Port Authority Soldiers. They began advancing, white lightning bursting out from their heavy-bolters. The soldiers hardly seemed to be affected by the small arms fire of the mercenaries. Between the arc lightning warping of the soldiers shotguns warping the metal cat-walk and the weight of seven people fighting, the whole platform shifted and broke. Steam-vents buckled, crates went flying and the two P.A. soldiers fell backwards to the floor.[/indent][/i] [center][h3][color=mediumpurple]Captain Erek[/color][/h3][/center] [indent][i]"Hell of a way to start a mission"[/i] thought Captain Erek as the cat-walk buckled under all the weight and heat of the weapons fire. His ears were ringing as he fell, and he was forced to drop his pistol in order to grab onto the railing. His saber automatically powered down and a strong magnetic field forced the hilt back onto his utility belt. His legs were dangling, and he saw the hangar floor 50 feet below. The Port Authority guards were already regaining their feet. They looked dazed, but not out of the fight yet. They were looking around for their weapons.[color=mediumpurple]"Hang on!"[/color] Erek shouted to the others. [color=mediumpurple]"Get to the ship, NOW!"[/color]. Erek said a small prayer to [b]Vasa[/b], patron saint of Hyklian Warriors and jumped to the floor below, his vibro-blade once more in his hand, ready to deal death. That's when the port alarm began sounding. [/indent]