[@Eirene] [hider=Notes] -If possible, I'd like to have extra images used that emcompasses things like his outfit and etc. These can be placed in a hider beneath his current photo. -You may only have ONE semblance, and while I like the idea of influencing roots to snag enemies, 'Spirit Song' is too overpowered for this rp. That being said, if you want since it ties into his inspired character, why not have him sing in order to control plants in general? That way you combine the two and it's a metaphor for singing to life so that it may grant death. What I just said was cheesy but I hope you get the point. -I asked for bullet points for your combat skills. You gave me a paragraph. -I like him :) Your description for his inspiration was super on point. I can't wait to see him in action. [/hider]