[quote=@SillyGoy] Guys, c'mon, it's just a collaborative narrative writing exercise. Also, have you not considered what it would be like to be the dragon as opposed to the knight? [/quote] This isn't a dragon. The IJA aren't dragons. Dragons have a dignity to them, [i]unlike yourself evidently[/i]. They restrict themselves to burning down the occasional village or making off with the occasional maiden. Evil, certainly, in those settings where they are intelligent (in others they are presumably following their instincts and cannot be blamed) but nowhere near the level of sadistic, cruel, degeneracy the the IJA reached in Nanking. Not mention...they don't exist. In short, as someone who likes to play the dragon now and then: Don't associate people like me with this game. At all. We have our standards. [i]Again, unlike yourself evidently. [/i]