By the rising his eyebrow Roland's showed some serious confusion. She surely acted like she had seen a gunlance before but the way she acted during their hunt indicated that she had no idea how it worked. He just decided to let it rest for a while, she felt bad for Jacque since he got hurt during the hun, not life threatening but hindering. Anyways to her snappy answer he just pushed the stock forward into the shooting mechanism and so opened the innards of the gunlance. The gaschamber stood now wide open and so unable to move from their places, they rested firmly on a spiral around the barrel. Small clouds of ashes rose from the weapon as the sudden movement set some particles free. Roland whistled it away. It was a swift, trained movement, a sign that he repeated this process over and over and over. His hands moved over the weapon and described several parts of it. [color=39b54a]"...When i pull the trigger the shell or the gaschamber moves over the spiral on the shaft of the weapon towards the igniter. By pulling the second trigger the igniter sparks the sudden released gas of the chamber and so causes an explosion. Now if I hold both, the air would be filtered through all three chambers, leaving an highly explosive gas, way more potent than a normal shot. It does need some time and the strain on the weapon is high but it can knock out a giant buffalo with a single shot!"[/color] He used the trigger and looked over to Elysia. [color=39b54a]"Hmpf, you see something? A spark? Or anything lighting up?"[/color] He repeated to pull the trigger several times to make sure that the women would definitely see something...or maybe nothing. [color=39b54a]"You know I wouldn't have thought you knew something about this"[/color] he rather muttered to himself than to Elysia in particular.