[@SillyGoy] As a Japanese person, I'm one of the first people to admit that my country has done heinous acts in the past. It's definitely a stain upon our history, and obviously something that people don't like looking back on. Nevertheless, it's an important event that shouldn't be ignored. But [i]holy shit, I doubt that this is the way people should be made aware of this.[/i] People do absolutely horrible things during wartime. That's an indisputable fact. But not only are you spitting upon the victims of this atrocious war crime by making a game out of it, you're also demonizing the Japanese. And frankly, that's something I'm absolutely not okay with. Yes, while you point out that not everyone may have participated, it still makes me deeply uncomfortable that the basis of this is that everyone is a fucking horrible person. And that offends me greatly on a personal level. I don't like seeing my culture reduced to a single event, and being categorized as one thing. It's racist, to be blunt. Again, Japan did horrible things--I'm well aware of the fact. But it's not right to exploit it like you have. Like, [i]I feel guilty as shit right now for some reason, despite the fact that this happened years before my birth.[/i] And that's not okay. My concern with the Japanese race being involved with this comes second. I'm more deeply concerned with the fact that you think that there's some sort of enjoyment to be had with ranking/rating how horrible a person can be. There are tasteful ways to do war roleplay, but this isn't it. It's called being [i]ethical.[/i] Since you seem to be unaware of what this means, here's the definition for you. "Being in accordance with the accepted principles of right and wrong." Yes, history can be fascinating. And social experiments can be fascinating. But as a psychology major, let me tell you that there are reasons why certain social experiments can't be performed: It's not ethical. While this is a roleplaying community, and we have a bit more free reign over what we can and can't do because it's all fiction. That being said, I think that the community's consensus is that this is seriously fucked up, and people don't want to partake in it. If you can't tell that from the reactions by the community, I don't even know what to tell you.