[center] [h1] [color=f7941d]Дуака[/color] [/h1] [/center] The guards were eating Дуака's pistol fire. His pistol was a small model of the Makarov 9mm, but instead had a plasma casting mod. It changed the 9mm bullets to a small plasma pellet to say, very effective against armor. Not this armor though, Дуака's shots just seemed to bounce off the guards chest plates. [color=f7941d]"I can't get through the armor."[/color] Дуака yelled over to the rest of the mercenaries. Дуака was not accustomed to direct combat and it intimidated him slightly, but he kept aiming for logical weak points of the guards. Head, eyes, shoulders, neck... nothing was hitting the mark. A stray arc shot hit the ground and there was a loud shifting noise. That's when the the platform slipped. [color=f7941d]"Hang on!"[/color] the captain screamed to the mercenaries. Дуака's feet slipped from under him, he took the hand hook from his belt and jabbed it straight through the platform and halted his decent. He looked around and saw other hanging as well. He scanned the platform for anything to get a grasp of with his left hand but saw nothing. Дуака grabbed his hook with both hands and threw himself up taking the hook with him, he got about halfway back up on his first jump and slashed into the platform again. [color=f7941d]"Get to the ship, NOW!"[/color] shouted Erek. Дуака searched the hangar until he found the ship still hanging from it's support arms probably one hundred meters from his current spot. Дуака saw one guard laying dead at the bottom of the hangar bay and the other was hanging on for his life, but he was speaking into his mic. The bay alarm started to blare.