[center][h3]It's 2116.[/h3] [img]http://www.helderpinto.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/hp_post_apoc_scene_FINAL_CAM1.jpg[/img] This is the world now... [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-tZUDRewWyx4/VK8bU5LLSzI/AAAAAAAAAtw/NxzA2p-BBsg/s1600/1407191912484.jpg[/img] It's broken, it's mostly ashes and dust. Nature has gone everywhere. [img]https://cgeschwind.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/apocalyptic-art.jpg[/img] The world ended 100 years ago. When no one was expecting it. [img]http://nifoundation.info/images_21/image-210.jpg[/img] The world has been thrown back into a time without electricity. [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-8ECpm-g7Awk/TdehtMj9tCI/AAAAAAAAK6Q/ZeO_dKkxzTU/s1600/apocalypse-1.jpg[/img] Of course there are some rests here and there, and a good educated mind could probably fix up some useful things, but I am not that mind. I do not understand a lot about electricity. In fact, who am I? Let me tell you. [img]http://img.izismile.com/img/img6/20130809/640/one_artists_interpretation_of_a_postapocalyptic_world_640_24.jpg[/img] [hider=Me] [color=8882be][h3]Princess Kalissa[/h3][/color] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/be/da/c3/bedac31be4c06ccff88b66dae1ada6bc.jpg[/img] [color=8882be][h3]"I'm a runaway princess with a broken heart."[/h3][/color] [b]Name:[/b] Princess Kalissa of Leththandriel (what I tell them:) Kalissa Furyiar [b]Rank:[/b] Normal Loner (they think); Princess (actually) [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 21 years [b]Strengths:[/b] She is nimble-footed and fast. Her climbing, aim and hiding is on point. She has a lot charisma. She's eloquent and can tell if someone is lying. She's cultured and educated, good with strategy and patience. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] She cannot tell untruthful things. Hard with love and closeness, doesn't easily build up trust, but gets easily emotionally hurt when she cares. Kalissa prefers to be a loner. She's much controlled by her feelings. And she's often said to be cold hearted and ruthless. She finds it hard to open up. [b] Weapons she uses/prefers & Fighting tactics:[/b] On distance the elf likes to use arrow and bow, which she has under control perfectly. In closer fights she uses her personal sword and smaller blades hidden in her boots and clothes such as knives. Kalissa is damn good with close up fights - duo to her fast reactions -, be it with pure hands or a blade. [b]History:[/b] Kalissa was born the only princess of Leththandriel. She had to train hard, learning about all the cultures, learning to fight and to lead, learning strategy and whatnot... but for unknown reasons the princess disappeared all of a sudden. That was 3 years ago. There's nothing else known about the disappearance of the princess. Kalissa lived on her own for the last 3 years, always wandering from one place to another. On some days she had people join her, until they reached their destination and she went on with her never ending walk. The woman kept her secrets, stayed no longer than a week and always was gone before sunrise. There's nothing more to say about that, really. Find out the rest as the story goes on. The first love of Kalissa was a human girl. Her name was Davina. They have been together for two years... until Davina died at the age of 18 and left Kalissa heartbroken and shattered. She wears a ring around her ring-finger on her left hand, that Costia gave to her. It's not precious in price, it's not overly beautiful but it means the world to her. [hider=Ring][img]http://www.holyroses.co.uk/s2g/holyrosesuk/CrownThornRing1360R1HR.jpg[/img][/hider] [/hider] [/center]