[quote=@Nosuchthing] You also said she can impress her emotions on others, if she's terrified a good response is to imprint that on whoever is coming for her. And yes, regarding upgrades I was imagining the wonder drug. [/quote] She can project her emotions on others, but currently she can only do it one at a time and it takes way too much of her energy and concentration to do so. She'd definitely use projection, but more as a self defence than to control someone. At least, thats what I like to think, but we can test that out during the RP :lol [quote=@Angel Eyes] Exactly. I think the reason why Empathy is such a popular power is because its subtle, but versatile and powerful. Since Empathy is also a telepathic-based ability, I imagine it would only really find some resistance when used against other people who have VERY STRONG WILLPOWER or mental-based abilities like August Montgomery, Leah Edmond(The other Empath), or Cleopatra Davidson. I question Lexis Montgomery because I assume her Persuasion is more of a vocal manipulation thing. Also, empathic manipulation may not be effective against Jerome since his brain could potentially repair itself from an empathic push, since empathic manipulation would essentially manipulate certain chemicals in the brain to bring about a certain emotional effect. [/quote] When you think about it that way, then yes, Empathy is definitely something not to look down on. Emotions are such a core part of our beings, it can easily be overpowered and can ruin some roleplays (experienced this first hand with a mary-sue in another site, sadly). But I tried limiting her range of emotions to just the basic happiness, sadness, fear and anger. She can't feel another's love, disgust, worry etc. Also, I don't know whether I added that she only recently realised she could project her emotions onto others, so she doesn't even know whether there's a limitation in emotions for others or not because she hasn't tried. I'd hope to see her try and 'evolve' her powers further. It could give her some character development rather than making her outright OP. [quote=@Nosuchthing] I wouldn't say so, after all, empathy manipulates emotions, which are natural reactions to stimuli. How would his healing factor know that the rage or fear or anger rushing through his system is in fact encouraged by the abilities of an empath? There's no actual damage there, just an emotion that he will have felt before. Otherwise it would react in exactly the same manner to any emotion and heal it away, leaving him little better than a robot who just happens to breathe. [/quote] (Gosh I can't explain this very well, sorry if I hurt your brain) I think that maybe because Emilia's projecting her [i]own[/i] emotions onto someone, it could be as if like a parasite - a foreign invader of sorts because its not him actually feeling it, but its her making him to so. I think of it like that, but I'm not too sure whether I explained it very well D: