[quote=Proser] Sorry my CS has taken a while, been a bit busy offline plus with other writing projects and trying to get it put together. I'll probably post it in here since the GDoc seems to be all IC stuff I don't want to disrupt? [/quote] Take your time with it. Better to have it polished than rushed, right? If you still want to post it in the Google Doc (here's just as fine though), we have the two different ones: Our Main Google Doc is for IC posts and planning whereas our Secondary Google Doc is all OOC stuff. You'll find a similar layout to the OP's we have here in the Secondary Doc. Just go ahead and post your character in the list with all of the others and let us know so we can review it. And [b]Prommy[/b], since Acacia's going to be your new main squeeze, you should do us the honors of writing up her CS sometime so we can add her to the list. You don't get a free pass just because you broke then mended our hearts with your timely arrival.