[center][h1][color=598527]Reathos[/color][/h1][h2][color=8dc73f]God of Death[/color][/h2][/center] Reathos calmly watched as the goddess of stories started looking unwell. But inwards, he was thinking. Was it his deadly presence that was having this effect on her? Would other gods react in the same way? So many questions the events generated. Yet despite the fact that he started questioning the consequences of his existence, he did listen to what she said. And what she said, was almost educational to him. What if indeed one day he would have to take the life of all his Heraktati? He was their Alpha. But could he truly be their complete Omega? They were his creations, but a balance had to remain. Maybe he should intervene when the Heraktati grew weak. But wouldn’t that break their fated path? Maybe the divine intervention in the species’ path could be Fated too. These thoughts made him ponder greatly upon the question when something was Fated and when it was not. [color=a2d39c]“Your…master, nor you, have answered my question.” Reathos stated, in a rather cold, factual way. “Appreciation is for beings that no longer need to survive. The color of a flower has no impact on its survival. It is purely aesthetic. It doesn’t impact their cycle.”[/color] But he pondered upon the counter question from the white Avatar. [color=a2d39c]“Your…creator seemed ill of a sudden. I have a fear that it might be my presence. I tend to sap creatures from their life force, unwillingly though. I do not know if this affects you, or Illunabar.”[/color] In his crow form, he flew up to a nearby tree. “All trees, and all plants wither and die when the nights are long, the days short and the cold has come. But not this tree. I bless it, that they may forever remain green. Through time.” And thus it came to pass. The Eenal Tree was made. Its leaves had a long midrib but with small side veins. Both the bark and the inner wood became nearly unnaturally dark. The tree would keep its leaves for the entire year around, yet sometimes some would fall and almost immediately rot away. Though what Reathos, as a child-god, did not realize he did, was making the leaves deadly. The way it survived was by turning its nutrient into a kind of substance that had a very low freeze point. Thus it could easily flow even during the winter. But the substance was also extremely poisonous, and stored in the leaves. But then, an unexpected ‘wave’ of energy flowed through Reathos. Suddenly all colors seemed brighter, all smells sharper and he could feel the very texture of the now dying bark of the Evergreen Tree below him. [color=a2d39c]“Forgive me, White One. But I sense an event fated, and I have been waiting very long for it.”[/color] With that, the murder of crows flew up and circled above the Deepwoods. More and more crows gathered. Not all crows in existence though. About 1 out of 50 crows each heeded the shrieking call of Reathos’ bird form. When the murder was sufficiently large, Reathos cursed each and every crow. He cursed them with the Lesser Sight of Reathos. Which served a dual purpose. The every eyes themselves would see the True Name of all sentient, living beings. No matter what magic one would use, or physical shifting one would dare, their True Name could never be changed. For it is part of their very essence: their soul. The second part of the curse was far more invasive. Reathos could ‘enter’ the bird’s mind and see what it saw, fly where he wanted and stay where he desired to remain. After casting the curse, which was visually seen as a bright green flash coming from the middle of the murder, all birds spread over the land. The curse did one more thing. The birds would search death till they met their end. Then their children would take on the curse and so on. From that day forward, almost always a crow would be nearby when a being dies. [hider=Summary] - Reathos contemplates the fate of his own creations - He states that color has nothing to do with a flower's cycle - Worried that his presence may somehow have afflicted Illunabar, he makes the most poisonous tree ever - Feels the dead souls of the first dying Hain - Creates death's witnesses 4 Might spent on leveling up (to level 3) 1 Might spent on cursing crows with the Lesser Eyes of Reathos 1 Freepoint spent on making the Eenal tree 2 Might left 1 Freepoint left [/hider]