[center][h3]The Rising[/h3][/center] [center][color=#7195E1]It was called 'The Rising', the day glowing stars appeared out of thin air around the world. For most, it was an unexpected but beautiful day where the stars appeared and then rose to the heavens before disappearing again. It was considered a scientific anomaly, and was soon forgotten by the world. However, for a certain few around the world, their whole lives changes on the day those stars rose. Unlike the rest of the world, those individuals which exhibited a certain level of mental energy gained unusual abilities and their lives changed forever. Mental Energy is not referring to intelligence but rather the amount of energy being produced by the individual though the activity of their brains. The star's were attracted to these individuals, and merged with their energies which resulted in supernatural powers. It was then that the schools started appearing. To the rest of the world, they were small and elite schools which were sponsored by a rich aristocrat, and many considered it an honor to be accepted into these prestigious schools. However, these schools were actually a place not only of learning but also of control and research into these new found powers. You are a student at one of these schools, located in Tokyo. You will experience learning, stress and romance, no different from any other student. However, it has become clear over the 2 years you have been attending this school that something more is going on than simple research. The question is, can you figure out what is going on with the help of your fellow students.[/color] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/235735b500cd9ac71165bfbe347dba05/tumblr_n08fw8smzw1ro861co1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [color=red]ALERT:[/color] Missing students have been coming up left and right at your particular school! However, the board members only respond to this with a “We are doing as much as we can to get to the bottom of this.” or maybe a “We will inform you when we know what is going on. We are panicked as well.” Is this sincere? Do they really have nothing to do with it? Is it a student? Just what the heck is happening to them? [hr] [hider=TEACHER CS] Name: ---photo inserted here. I would prefer anime--- Class: Age: No younger than 22. Level: There are levels 1-5 that allows you to go to different classes and have worse or better clearance levels. I will be choosing your level after you make your CS. Personality: This does not have to be much more than what we will see on the outside but include at least one sentence that gives a small insight of your character. Bio: short glimpse into your life and why you're teaching here. [/hider] [hider=Scientist/Researcher] Name: ---Photo inserted here. I would prefer anime.--- Occupation at the school: ---We will talk about it when you make the CS--- Age: No younger than 24 Level: 4-8. I will decide after reviewing your CS. Personality: refer to teacher Bio: short glimpse into your life and why you're researching here. Of course, it doesn't really have to be all that much. [/hider] [hider=STUDENT CS] Name: ---photo inserted here. I would prefer anime--- Age: You are ages 15-19. There are some 14 year olds but not much at all. Level: Every student is level 2 due to the research rooms that they enter. Personality: At least one paragraph. Biography: Power: These cannot be anything OP. Fire balls are allowed as well as flying but you should know you’re taking it too far if it’s something you would see in freaking Dragon ball Z or something. Weakness: Weakness of your characters power. Has to be there. Other strengths: This is simply other things that they are good at~ Cooking, singing, math, whatever I suppose. There has to be a reason why though and it has to match up to them. Prodigy? Not a prodigy?: Some students here are prodigies but not more than 3. No one is actually a prodigy in their field of powers that they have received. This is for the math, science, music or whatever prodigies. Grades: A? AB? ABC? ABCD?!?! Or simply a D student? Hah! You decide~ Job: Only if your character does have one. If not, discard this. The place you make will be added to the locations of the place around the school Mental energy level: Levels 1-10. I will decide this once you have written up your CS. Simply how powerful you are and level of controlling your powers. If you can’t control your power even though you have something awesome, pretty useless, no? (Don't worry if it's low. There are special classes as well as social situations that UP your mental level~ ^^) During what situation did your power first occur?: They have a habit of coming at the worst or best times. It's [i]never[/i] between. So, how did you realize yours? Relations: These will be inside of a hider. You may be a new student but I do not want more than 2 new students other than me since I may decide to be one. Yes, you may have a girlfriend or boyfriend but you could just find love during your time there. PM other characters to find out your relations. [/hider] [hr] Living: Almost all of the students are living in the dorms due to reasons. All parents put full trust into these schools for whatever reasons or maybe you don’t even have parents. ---I will put dorms up once we get a feel on the amount of characters and such.--- [hr] Obviously, there is going to be someone… Making kids disappear. Who is this someone? No, it will not be an NPC that is named “Kidnapper”. It will be one of you! If you want to be part of it, send me a PM~ Or else... I'll be taking matters into my own hands. Muah... MUAHHAHAHA [hr] [b]About your mental level:[/b] You could start out as a 1 or maybe a 10! These could very well change throughout the story though~ Whenever they do, I will PM you and you can change your level as well as putting it in the OOC with a simple ---insert your character name here--- Has leveled up/down!--- or something like that~