[center][img]http://www.boomerangcomics.com/img/boomerang-logo.png[/img][/center] “[color=a187be]It’s in bad taste[/color]” “[color=ed1c24]Piss off Freddy-boy, it was months ago![/color]" “[color=6ecff6]Yeah Freds, I’m sure Herman will find it funny! Sure as hell I do![/color]” “[color=a187be]I still think it’s in bad taste[/color]” Fred Myers mumbled. His eyes moved away from the custom-decorated Spider-Man cake in his teammate’s hands and up towards Riker’s main entrance. He wasn’t keen to be back here, having only been out for a month or two, although luckily this time it was only to collect someone; Herman Schultz, the notorious Shocker, as well as Fred’s former cellmate. The two had bonded during their time together, with the two having similar stories to tell as to how they ended up there, both of which involved Spider-Man. Yes, that’s right; Fred was a supervillain too. He was The Boomerang. It was through Herman that Fred was introduced to the two gentlemen who were currently stood beside him. Morris Bench was Hydro-Man, a stupid name for a guy with a stupid power. The guy was essentially made of water, which in itself doesn’t sound too impressive. Apparently he had fallen in the ocean while a powerful experimental generator was being lowered into the ocean for testing. That origin story was nearly as unimpressive as his abilities. It was almost as stupidly convenient as suggesting that Spider-Man gained his powers after being bit by some radioactive spider. As if! The jittery guy with the Spider-Man cake was James Sanders, and no, zero relation to the Colonel. This guy had superhuman speed. Calls himself Speed Demon. Pretty menacing name for a guy who spent most of his time foolishly stumbling around after women. Despite James’ annoyance, Fred still found him useful. With legs like that, he was a key asset to any robbery. Still, it still didn’t stop Fred from wanting to punch him one. Fred had been rubbing his temple in frustration while Morris and James argued next to him about the best flavour of cake when the door opened in front of them. The three all looked up in unison to find Herman, a scowl covering his face. That wasn’t the only thing however. Scars covered most of his left cheek, with a few others around his lip. This was nothing new to Fred, who had seen most of them before he had gotten out, although they came as a huge surprise to both James and Morris. “[color=ed1c24]Dude… What the fuck happened to your face, man?[/color]” James asked walking forward, still brandishing the Spider-Man cake in front of him. The scowl on Herman’s face grew even worse as he laid eyes on the cake. Fred watched as the man took in a deep breath, evidently attempting to calm himself down. “[color=a36209]That Spider-Prick, Okay James?[/color]” Herman declared loudly, suddenly letting go of his self-restraint. “[color=a36209]That fucking Spider-Prick![/color]” Herman lashed out, slamming his hand down onto the cake, knocking it out of James' hands. It splattered onto the floor into a pile of red and black. All Fred could do was stand there and laugh as James began to cry out in annoyance, while Herman in response began stamping on the cake's remains. He had forgotten how huge Herman's vendetta against Spider-Man. Sure he knew it was there; the hero had savagely attacked him a few months ago so he had a good reason to be peeved. But this rage was something else. Fred liked it. Before anyone could do anything to calm the man down, Fred stepped forward, pushing past James and his cake and heading towards his newly-freed friend. Putting an arm around his shoulder, he shot Herman a smile. “[color=a187be]Use that anger, Herman. Embrace it![/color]” He instructed with a charistmatic cheer. “[color=a187be]Because you’re going to need it![/color]” “[color=a36209]Wha…what the hell are you talking about?[/color]” Herman spluttered, his rage now completely gone. “[color=a187be]Herman, my old friend. We’re going to rob the Owl![/color]”