Shaking her head at the words Reema watched Jacque work with his greatsword. It was a beauty indeed. "Few drinks will only make you forget about the pain. Tell me if it gets worse aright? Last thing we need is to find out that there was an infection in that Jaggi's mouth." Shes seen injuries like that happen. One of her father's team mates had to give up his life of hunting all because of one small scratch that turned into an infection. The poor soul had to remove his entire arm and he never was the same since. "Thanks for offering than. Faster I earn my armour is the faster I'll hate it." Her own father telling her that she had to earn her own armour took away the ones that he made her. Leaving her with a normal steel plate set and her jaggi blades that meant so much to her. She understood his reasoning, never take what you have for granted. But it did not make the choice any less annoying. Elysia moving the armour behind her she was about to go help Roland only for the smaller woman to beat her to it. Seems she knew more what she was doing anyway. Ears craned to listen at the explanation she found herself oddly fascinated by the gun lance. "Powerful weapon, must feel like your holding the cannon of a ship. Do you mind sharing it's story?" Her hands reached for her blades, letting them sit on her lap as they hummed with every touch. She looked to care more about them than her own life at times. And every since shes made them, shes found herself loving to hear the stories of others. "These were made from the same Jaggi that almost took my face as a child. What a battle that was, in his own den the pack came out of hiding and took to attacking the group we were in. We always knew which one did it cause he had this spine on his tail that was tilted ever so slightly off." Leaning her head back she began to memorize that day, the shouted words and chaos as hunters and non hunters were trying to keep each other alive in the fight. "father said this is it, this is where you become a hunter. Handed me a sword and went right for him. He got me good, but I got him better" Looking back to the massive creations around she rose a brow. "So, whats this one's tale if I may ask."