It all happened way too fast. Lucas inviting her over, giving her his number, and finally a name. The bell rang and chairs shuffled against the tile all around her, a few people groaning when they found out the project was due so quickly. If she wanted to get this done, they really did need to meet quickly. Hopefully one meeting would do it. “Yeah, okay,” Alice nodded, stuffing the number in her jacket. And that wink…why did guys do that, anyway? It was a habit of her father’s too, but she had a feeling it held a very different meaning her dad doing it as a “hello”. To her it was just code for ‘[i]I think I’m hot stuff and can’t leave the room with a simple wave[/i]’, but maybe that was her reading into things too much. Alice had a tendency to do that. “You’re asking for a smack to the back of the head,” she muttered to herself with a grin, gathering her own things and rushing out the door. With a quick look at her schedule Alice went to the next class, glad to see she knew a few of the girls from last year, and had actually seen a couple during the summer. The rest of her classes were the same, and it turned out she didn’t have any otherswith Lucas. Probably a blessing. If she saw him any more than necessary it would only remind her of his cocky attitude. Or at least the one she [i]assumed[/i] he had in her head. Alice waited until the very last class to pull out her phone beneath the desk and text Lucas, and even then she waited ten minutes before sending it. After a full day of school her mental shields were shattered, and if him or his parents caused any trouble it would certainly be hard for her to keep a straight face. Hopefully he would stay as mellow as he had during class. [i]Let’s meet today if u can. don’t have a car. meet me at in front of prking lot?[/i] Send. Finally. Half an hour later, once school had let out and she’d stopped by her locker, Alice showed up with her bag over one shoulder and her still wet jacket in her arms. Thankfully the rain had let up for the time being, but the sun still wasn't shining like she would have liked.