[quote=@Sen] ... "You", as in me? I never even posted on that thread? Weird way to personalize it. EDIT: Not to instigate an argument, but let's say, for example, I punched someone in the face, would it be harrassment if everyone verbally lashed out at me because hurting others like that is "immoral"? Facing negative reactions for a percieved negative action is how it works. Should everyone have calmly discussed it? Probably, but people don't generally work like that, you being a perfect example. You saw something you disliked and you responded with negative emotion. As I said though, I draw the line when the response gets more personal (as in, malicious PM's or attacking in non-related threads, etc.). Anyways, here's a pet peeve: when people make a fandom RP but completely misconstrue the lore of said fandom. Like, it's one thing if you're making an AU or something, but if you're trying to adhere to the actual canon and you just get it wrong... yikes. [/quote] Acting like that is going to get you in trouble one day. People have been killed and have had their lives ruined over emotional break downs. I say that it is better to keep your feelings under control and try to find a civil way of handling things you don't like because I would personally like to report several people on that thread for harassment