[center][IMG]http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l498/wolflover114/Avatar_OC__s_2_by_DanaisH3.jpg[/IMG][/center] [hider=in colour][img]http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l498/wolflover114/Jia_by_DanaisH.jpg[/img][/hider] [center][I]Take a moment and breathe. Allow the air to fill your lungs and know you are alive.[/I] "The Basics..." Name: Lasya Jamyang Dorje Primary Element: Air Nickname: Lala - A nickname given to her by some of her students. She doesn't particularly enjoy but allows the kinds to call her it. Las - Her preferred nickname for the simplicity. Age: 19 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Occupation: Lasya teaches music. Her favourite instrument is the flute but she also teaches the liuqin, harp, and erhu. "The Appearance..." Height: 5'4 Weight: 125 Skin Complexion: Fair Hair: Long brown hair, shave back to reveal her tattoo and braided near the bottom. Eyes: Warm brown Style: Lasya often wears a long dress in the colours of the air nomads. Very little changes about her appearance from day to day. Her air nomad necklace is often worn around her waist. Her dresses are mainly the same, only differing in colour and the length of the sleeves. It is uncommon for her to be found in pants and a shirt but when she is it tends to be in a similar style to that of her dress. [/center]"Delving A Little Deeper..." Likes: [*]Walking[/*] [*]Flute[/*] [*]Meditation[/*] [*]Spirits[/*] [*]Moon Cakes[/*] [*]Lemurs[/*] Dislikes: [*]Violence[/*] [*]Oranges[/*] [*]Feeling Tense[/*] [*]Arguing[/*] [*]Grudges[/*] [*]Feet[/*] Strengths: Wise beyond her years Capable of remaining calm in most situations Weaknesses: Her reluctance to fight [center]Personality: Lasya is a very calm person, she is willing to take her time and has great patience. It is because of this that she finds herself able to teach at such a young age. She has the ability to remain calm and help someone to their full potential as monks have done with her. She is kind and gentle in her teachings but she is not a person easily walked over. As she is soft, she is not willing to be ignored or not taken seriously. She is wise beyond her years and views herself no longer a child as others may view her. This causes her to often be hard on herself and quite serious. She has a very small sense of humour and does not partake in many fun activities as the people around her may. She is a quiet person and prefers to sit alone and meditate than join in social activities. However, she truly shines when playing. She loves music and loves sharing it with people. Although, when asked, she will most likely reject requests to play. The few people who hear her play are her students and those who happen upon the chance to hear her music wafting through the halls or an open door. Lasya is always trying to better herself by challenging herself in both her bending and music. Due to her reserved ways, people often think her to be cold as she does not allow them to see the warm person she truly is. "Delving Even More Deeper..." History: It was known from day one that Lasya was an Air Bender, as all Air Nomads born in Autumn or not, were benders. Bending came naturally to her, her easily moving air at a very young age. One of the Sisters took great attention to her and became her mentor, teaching her airbending as well as how to play the pan flute, sparking her interest in music. From this special attention from Sister Iatsu, she mastered airbending at the age of sixteen and received her tattoos. Her attentions then turned to her second love, for that of music. She began to master instruments as she had airbending, with great dedication and great teachers. Soon after, she was sent to the academy. Being a young master and her enjoyment of teaching, there was hope that she would teach new airbenders their gift, if anything were to happen to the elder masters. There was also the fear of an attack, that they would not be able to protect their disciples from this unknown enemy. Thus when speak of the academy came, Sister Iatsu made sure that Lasya was one of the children leaving the Southern Air Temple. Although, she is thankful for the concern about her from the monks, she misses her home at the temple and her friends. Other: [youtube]-5qhNRmMilI[/youtube][/center] ~~~~~ Also, probably vanilla ice cream