[i][color=f6989d][center][h2]Jamie Augustine[/h2][/center][/color][/i] Jamie woke with a start, unsure as to what had roused him. He heard the distant sound of clanging metal and, closer, his own breathing, slightly sped up from fear. He reached out to touch the confines of the pod that enclosed him and pushed on it, gently at first but then more forcefully when it became clear that it wasn’t budging. After a moment he gave up, realizing the futility of his efforts. When had force ever gotten him anywhere, since his imprisonment over a year ago? What he needed to do was figure out what was going on. Was this his execution? It didn’t make sense, he still wasn’t eighteen, but then he could hardly expect the Inquisitors to tell him of any change of policy before enacting it. The thought filled him with a sudden dread, his breathing growing shallower. He pushed it back. [color=f6989d][i]You can panic later,[/i][/color] he promised himself. [color=f6989d][i]Once you understand what’s happening.[/i] [/color] Before he had the time to fully chase that thought, though, J’s voice came over the speakers in his pod, though his distressed rambling didn’t provide much clarity. Suddenly, a skull-rattling jolt overtook his pod and Jamie cried out as his head flung to the side. By the time he had collected his breath, the pod had opened. He lay perfectly still at first, until after a few seconds he heard the sound of voices and movement from outside. Hesitantly, he sat upright and saw dozens of other inmates doing the same. A few of them were already walking towards a large metal door, the only exit in sight. He couldn't see what else to do but follow. As Jamie stared with confusion, the door opened, slowly. He blinked against the blinding light that filled the room, then froze. What was on the other side seemed impossible, but there it was, right in front of all of them. He wondered if he was dreaming or possibly concussed from the fall. But the others reacted similarly, seeing the exact same thing he saw. Hushed voices filled the air. The first to step outside was a girl, and one by one the rest followed. Jamie cautiously took his steps into the light, awe and fear and hope mingling into some confusing mess of emotion, as his feet touched the grass and he took in the sight before him. Before him there was grass, trees, leaves, more green than he’d seen in his life, and above him there was sun and sky and clouds. [color=f6989d]“Maybe I did die after all,”[/color] he said. It came out sounding shakier than he wanted.