[quote=@Weird Tales] Acting like that is going to get you in trouble one day. People have been killed and have had their lives ruined over emotional break downs. I say that it is better to keep your feelings under control and try to find a civil way of handling things you don't like because I would personally like to report several people on that thread for harassment [/quote] I agree with Weird on this one, you can't let your emotions rule you. It's different in a real time situation, but if you're lashing out in writing you have plenty of time to think of how you should respond to something. Peace, love, and understanding are better ways to get people to change than vilifying them. Also there are classy ways of calling someone a twat without calling them a twat. Edit: While I'm here, maybe I should add a roleplay complaint. People with anime avatars who proceed to make a character based on their favorite anime into a setting that does follow the physics of anime. Then proceed to use their psychorenkinatsu blade slash, destroying a Mithril wall, and someones prized topiary. This has not happened recently, thankfully.