[color=2e3192]"Fool..."[/color] came Lucas's muttered reply as the Mayor walked away, dismissing him with all the well practised poise of a politician. The man leaned against the support for the canopy of the viewing platform and turned his gaze to the parade, idly playing with the Shell Bell at his waist. In a short amount of time, the parade has begun and the crowd erupted into cheers and appluause as the first of the floats, and with them, the avatars, came into view. The floats came and went, but Lucas had little appreciation for them. Though he tried to stay neutral, he couldn't help but feel the corners of his mouth tighten as he caught the familiar tug of power from each of his brethren as they his way. If there was a Lugia float, he had either missed it or it had yet to come. [color=2e3192]'Such waste...'[/color] Lucas thought to himself as Latios and Latias passed by, encassed in a box of glass on their float as they performed for the crowd. He did not approve; while it might have been a better than the blatant abuse of his kins' abilities, it still painted a target on their backs. Though when he gazed upon the Lati twins, their avatars' faces full of joy and laughter, he felt the barest twinge of emptiness. His gaze settled for the longest time on the next float, that which carried Suicune. [color=2e3192]"...where are you?"[/color] Lucas found himself whispering, the heaviness in his chest growing heavier as he stared at the red-eyed boy. Lucas blinked as he caught sight of a certain bespeckled, and for the briefest of moments their eyes met. He saw that she stll had the Silver Wing, woven delicately into her hair like an orament. Lucas felt the briefest of smiles stretch across his face and his lowered his eyes, bowing his ever ever so slightly in acknowledgement of her before his eyes once again were cast across the parade. "Brothers and sisters in humanity!" an amplified voice rang out from the crowd. "I urge you to think twice about who you're cheering for!" Lucas's head snapped forward to the sound of the amplified voice and for the first time since his creation, anger crossed the avatar of Lugia's face as the speaker continued. He immedietly knew the type: any group that had the gall to show up dressed like that could only be here for one thing. Rocket. Galactic. Plasma. Flare. It mattered not which name they chose, which uniform they donned, it was the same poison that continued to resurface. His expression quickly morphed into one of pure shock as the Koffing was thrown forwad in a Kamikaze gambit, destroying everything in its radius with an explosion of fire and smoke. [color=2e3192][i]'I hate being right ALL the time,'[/i][/color] came the unbidden, bitter thought as he unclasped his token from his waist, casting it behind him. A running leap took him off the observation platform and onto a nearby float, his Shell Bell abadoned on the stage. A Guardian was not needed. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Opr11jHiJ5o]But a Beast was[/url]. He glanced at the sky, and a fiery hot Weatherball shattered the arching skylights, sending glass fragments cascading down into the crowds below. A curtain of cloud crept in from the horizon and mades its way across the sky, concealing the sun and eventually blotting out every trace of sunlight. The air began to pick up above him, blowing in a harsh wind through the shattered that howled in his ears. Up above, the veil of white darkened, and jagged bolts of light danced through the clouds, creating echoing bangs as they arc through the sky. Then the Heavens opened. Even admist the chaos, Lucas had time for one tranquil breath as the rain kissed his face. He threw himself into the fray. The avatar blitzed though the crowd of panicked people with unnatural grace; eyes everywhere at once as he assessed the situation through the pouring rain. Groudon and Xerneas were holding their own. Diancie was helping the people in the crowd flee, having already dealt with her own foe. Lucas struck like a fish, sudden and always moving, incapacitating or weakening, harrying the white robed trainers and their pokemon alike when he ccould, or dodging if it became too much. To his dismay, he found the later to be more. [color=2e3192][i]'Time,'[/i][/color] Lucas thought as he deftly avoided a punch by one of the robed men who had appeared before him. The avatar thrusted both palms into the man's ribcage and felt something crack under the blow, before sweeping his legs out from under him with his knee. [color=2e3192][i]'They all need more time.'[/i][/color] A Gourgeist moved to Leech Seed him, and Lucas slid under the ghost pokemon, the water under his feet turning into a sheet of ice as he channeled an Icebeam into his legs. [b][i]'So give it to them.' [/i][/b] The pokemon trainer's face splashed in the rapidly forming puddles and Lucas tumbled over his unmoving form, eyes already on his next target: the man who had grabbed the avatar of Suicune, the young boy he had recongized from the dinner the night previous. Before he could pry the man off, a Helioptile tasered the man into submission. That left only the trainer's pokemon. As Kaze caught his breath, looking to Lucas's eyes to be shellshocked, he caught a Tackle from an eranged, and soaking Baltoy. His fingers closed tightly around the relic's throat, and he slammed the pokemon to the floor, at least stunning it for a few moments. Lucas went to stand beside Kaze, his attention now focused slowly on the Gourgest who floated hauntingly across from them. "I offer this once; leave," came the stern reply. The response given was the dark energy being pulled for a Shadow Ball. "So I guess that's how its going to go down, is it?" the avatar of Lugia asked with a frown. "Very well..." He slid a foot back and stretched his arm out infront of Kaze's line of vision, his voluminous white sleeve blocking the boy's view. It would not do for him to see the act, and this would end now. [color=2e3192] "Forgive me,"[/color] Lucas whispered quietly, as he thrust out his other hand, faster on the draw. Cerulean power dances along his finger tips as the pouring rain froze to hail from the subtle Ice Beam. A Gust only a fraction of a second later sent the frozen buckshot piercing into the Gourgeist, tearing ether and plant matter from its form. Other pellets chewed into the floor and walls around it, cracking up tile and cement. A few strays struck the returning Pineco, staggering it as they rebounded off of its armor. When it was over, the inner light of the Gourgeist had been extinguished. [color=2e3192]"I'm sorry I did not come sooner,"[/color] Lucas apologized after a few moments, still keeping the boy's gazed shielded from the remains of the Gourgeist. He kept his eyes on the Pineco which eyed him warily, its gaze darting between its downed trainer, the avatars, and its fallen comrade. "[color=2e3192]I trust you are unha-[/color]" It was at that moment that Lucas decided to take his eyes off their oponents and glance down at his charge. It was not the eyes of a young boy who stared back. Lucas dropped his sleeve turned his gaze back to the Pineco who appeared ready to unleash holy hell. "[color=2e3192]I was wondering when I would see you again,[/color]" Lugia dropped back into a stance, body poised for the counter attack. "[color=2e3192]Spirit of the North Wind...[/color]"