Based on the game [url=]Oxenfree[/url]. [hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [h2]Plot[/h2] You awaken to a starry night on the beach, warm sand beneath you and the sound of waves crashing endlessly against the shore. Your friends's laughter and the crackling of the bonfire is but a dull buzz at the back of your head. [i]Everything[/i] is a blur, but as you struggle to remember the last few hours, you see visions... glimpses of desperate faces behind tinted glass, the remainder of a wreckage scattered on the ocean floor—an explosion, a multitude of voices begging for more time. A wave of panic threatens to pull you under, but before you know it, your friend is passing you a bottle of soda and wondering why you look sick. It all comes back to you. You are at a party on Edwards Island, and yet, something feels off... It feels as if you've done this all before. [h2]Edwards Island[/h2] [Hider=Map][img][/img][/hider] [list] [*]It used to house military bases, but is now an abandoned island. [*]During the second world war, a submarine called the Kanaloa was sunk nearby via friendly fire. And ever since, strange occurrences have been happening on the island—supernatural things that end up skewing ones perception of time and reality. [*]The kids have been to the island a handful of times in the past, but while the island always felt a little off, nothing too strange ever happened. However, this time they brought a radio and heard something they shouldn't have...[/list] [h2]What's happening?[/h2] [list] [*]After fumbling around with their old radio they hear an announcement they shouldn't have and the world around them tilts and folds at edges. The RP will start mid-timeloop with the kids unaware and confused. As we progress hints will be dropped, déjà vu will be felt, panic will set in and the supernatural will grow apparent.[/list] [h2]Who are we?[/h2] [list] [*]We will be playing a group of childhood friends who are in their 1st or 2nd year of college. They have all known each other for sometime and have been to the island together in the past.[/list] [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Age: Appearance: (Anime pictures or descriptions will do. Should you provide a picture, a quick banner shall be made for you) Personality: Brief Biography: Did they bring anything special to the island?: Extra:[/hider]