[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/psnplatinum/images/9/93/Captain_America_SS_logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20131129021953[/img][/center] [right]Metropolis[/right] There were days that Steve just never wanted to get out of bed. This was beginning to turn into one of those. It all started when he had been thrown off his feet. Added to that now was a guy dressed in purple. Well, purple and blue. And what at first appeared to be a skirt*. Which thankfully turned out to be a tunic. Steve knew the future was progressive. But a guy in tights and skirt was pushing it for Steve. Anyways, this crazy guy comes flying by on what appears to be a zip line. He probably has a death wish. But he sails within a few feet of Carl. Coming between him and Zatanna. The magician's eyes widen and her chanting falters. The insane interloper fired a literal arrow at Creel. Which Steve knew would have no effect on steel. An arrow. Of course Steve was as surprised as Creel as it stuck. And electrocuted him. The hopeful, optimistic part of Steve hoped that would be the end of the fight. The realistic part just sighed. The archer slid to a stop and offered a cocky smile. Steve hefted his shield and braced himself as Creel began to smirk. He ignored the look the man sent him and instead shouted. "[color=7ea7d8]Down![/color]" Nearly at the same time as the new comer. He didn't take his own advice and instead advanced as fast as he could towards Creel. Zatanna moved to throw herself down, but she wasn't going to be quick enough. Steve was already nearly touching Creel, but he was too late. His stomach was tying itself in knots at the knowledge of what would happen next. Hoping the girl would be fine, Steve ducked behind his shield as Creel turned on him with another blast of electricity. Since Creel was now pure electricity he needed to find another way to stop the man. Direct contact wouldn't do anything but get himself hurt. He quickly moved through all his electrical knowledge. They needed a ground. Or to force him to take on another substance. Cap briefly debated if he wanted to temp Creel with his shield. But dismissed the idea. That wouldn't make the situation better. However it could act as a lure. Steve's eyes shifted over to the building Creel had been hacking at earlier. Some of the metal framework was visible. All tall buildings were built with lightning conductors. If Steve could lure Creel towards the building he just might be able to ground him out. Assuming of course that he wasn't completely wrong about everything. He lowered his shield just a little as the bolt of electricity died. Here went everything. "[color=7ea7d8]What's the matter Creel?[/color]" Steve taunted. "[color=7ea7d8]I thought you were the most dangerous man alive. That didn't even tingle.[/color]"[hr]*I'm assuming Hawkeye isn't wearing his [url=http://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6dly9sZov1rzxoiwo1_500.jpg]original costume[/url] which did consist of a skirt (and no leggings or even tights!)