Genseric stood there, impressed by Jahan’s rhetoric, yet also keeping a firm hand on the hilt of his sword. It would remain unsure what these brigands would do, as Genseric had no idea what was going through their minds. Much to his surprise, however, those behind the seeming leader of the brigands seemed to be taking Jahan’s words to heart. Their leader, however, was in disagreement with them. This lead to fighting, which lead to great surprise for Genseric. They must have been quite uncomfortable, then, living the life of a brigand. The arguments quickly turned violent when the leader hit one of his men with his cleaver, and everything violent and angry. Nonetheless, even as they fought amongst themselves Genseric did not loosen his grip on the hilt of his sword. Then the captain went forward, and tried to grab him back by his shoulder. However, the captain received to a blow of the cleaver to his arm. Genseric saw it slice into the captain’s arm, deep enough to cause injury but hopefully not deep enough to cause lasting damage. Genseric ran towards the captain’s aid, but he simply chastised him for not subduing the man with the clever. “Don’t Just stand there, subdue him,” the captain had said. Genseric would follow his orders. His grip had been tight on his sword, and now he would finally be able to draw it. He drew his sword with his right hand and held his shield with his left. He ran forward towards the man who wielded the cleaver, and was confident that he would be able to bring down a single brigand. It would help that he had seen him fight in combat, and his fighting ability was not superb. As Genseric ran towards him, while his opponent began to raise his cleaver. He stopped himself from moving suddenly, and the man’s cleaver went down right in front of him, missing him completely. He held it up again, readying himself to strike another blow. Genseric burst forward, and as the brigand began to swing forward his cleaver a second time, Genseric landed his shield against his cleaver, stopping it before it gained full momentum. Then Genseric struck against the brigand’s hand with his blade. He tried purposefully not to damage him too much, as he assumed the captain had something in mind for him. So he only slashed against it, but not too hard, although hard enough that the brigand recoiled in pain, and dropped his arm. When Jahan and Genseric had gotten the brigand down and knocked him unconscious, they would have left him for now. The captain looked at his wound, and seemed to continue on in the same capacity as he had said before. “They're her kills so she has the right to take their stuff. Sorry lads' - rules of war. After yer' done with the bodies you can search the tents too. As [i]sergeant[/i], I'll take a small share of whatever you find,” their officer had said. Genseric laughed, as he had discovered marvelous, yet very quickly suppressed his laughter. Truly, it was a break in character. He had no need of the loot. The son of a count who had been supplied with plenty, he had no need with what brigands could have. The loot, however, was mostly a secondary concern in Genseric’s mind. He stood beside the brigand’s body, the sword in his hand. “Go ahead and take all of it,” Genseric said, turning to Jahan. “I’ve no need of it.” As soon as the loot was collect they began their departure. The body of the brigand was carried away, Genseric doing his part in carrying him. They went back to the treeline where they had departed and left their cook and healer, Ellinor. However, she was not where she had been, where she had been left. Genseric dropped the unconscious body of the brigand and ran towards the spot where she had been.