[i]What the hell was that supposed to mean?[/i] Prism's unusual reply had actually given pause to the Autobot flyer. So much so that he nearly believed his ever-computing brain had skipped a logic processing cycle going by the about of time that quickly passed in his moment of stunned silence. Eventually recovering, Turbulence recalled Prism’s rattled and nervous tone and it seemed plenty obvious that she and Sklog had gotten involved with something more than a ‘slight’ weapons technical snafu. He thoroughly pondered the possibility of reporting the two’s fumbling reasoning to Nightscream but instead, decided to keep the incident under wraps. For now at least. This was assuming of course what mess they may have made was not as serious as he believed it to be. “…Prism, I didn’t ask you if you were fine.” Turbulence grunted, ignoring her question before stepping into the elevator once it had arrived, “However, yours and Sklog’s wellbeing won’t be fine for much longer if you stick around there. I’m coming up with the platform; you guys better be by the shaft when I get there.”