[center][h3]Intro[/h3] [img]http://gematsu.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/FFXV-Art-Presentation_02-26-15_005.jpg[/img] In this world, super powers exist. It's something that the population has always known about, and accepted, somewhat. You could say it's like having skin of color. You still live. In some places, you can thrive. But people who hate you will still exist, not for who you are, but for what you look like. That's exactly what having super powers is like. You still live. But most fear you, shun you, simply because you carry this gift you did not ask for. A gift you did not get to choose. Some embrace it, while some go down below the surface and never come back up. We have "heroes". People who try to give supers a good name. Stupid people, who wear capes and spandex, and are so clouded with hope they fall before they get the chance to fly. No. You're not that stupid. You want to help. You believe that you can. But you're smarter then that. You know what you're about to delve into.. has to be done oh so carefully. You? You're not a hero. You're not a villain either. You were breaking the law before this just by existing, could it really hurt to break a few more? A vigilante. That's what you are. Someone plain by day, something more by night. You do what you can to help this corrupted city, you do what you can to protect the innocent. But the key to staying alive? Confidentiality. You work [i]alone[/i]. Well, you did. A powerful evil has awoken within your city. He introduced himself as Umbra, and his motivation is unknown. He's killed over ten innocent and you've only know of his presence a week and just recently, took a vigilante hostage. It's clear you're no match for him alone.. you decide it's best to hide. That is, until you receive an email. An email from the vigilante Ditch. You've heard of them before - either a crazy skilled hacker or a super with technology related powers. They're known to close off bank accounts of criminals, cause cars to crash, and wreak havoc to those who deserve it. They're powerful. They suggest a meeting. They suggest banding together with other vigilantes in order to stop Umbra. Are you done working alone? Are you prepared to face this evil with a whole bunch of strangers? You're life isn't going to be the same after this. But you were never normal anyway. [/center][hr][h3]Some More Info[/h3][b]On Superpowers[/b] Superpowers need to be balanced, with weaknesses and strengths. I totally encourage unique, less popular powers, and even if you do something like fire manipulation, put a spin on it somehow! Make it.. so only fire comes out of your face! Oh wait. But! There are some superpowers that I am going to straight-up ban right now for plot purposes and OP-ness.[list] [*]Mind Reading/Telepathy [*]Power Mimicry [*]Time Travel (Even if it's like only two seconds back in time. Nope.)[/list] There would be a lot more powers on this list, like super speed, teleportation, etc, but those can be accepted with careful moderation. Of course, these are superpowers. They're all OP in their own right. We're just trying to make it so that people can't go exploding people's heads and ruining the roleplay, aye? Also, if you've read all of this, good! Put "We're not normal" In the extra section of your CS. [b]On Actual Roleplaying[/b] I expect good grammar and minimal typos in your posts, which should be 2+ paragraphs. Though of course, everyone has off nights and the occasional typo gets past us, but do try. ;w; Though I do want you guys to participate in helping the plot along, creating twists that relate to your character's past, it would be appreciated if you posted your ideas in the OOC, so everyone can offer their input , perhaps to make your idea even better! I, as the GM, do plan to be the driving force of the RP, giving you a main goal to accomplish and bringing us all together, but I am totally for hearing your ideas, developing your characters, and more! Playing NPC's is also something I hope everyone will have a chance to do. To play an NPC, you'll send me a simple CS (much less detailed than the one for your PC) and I will approve it. Then you can begin to involve your NPC in the story! [b]On The City[/b] As mentioned in the Interest Check, our city is largely based off of NYC. If you took Gotham and NYC and smashed it together, that's our city. Busy, bustling, skyscrapers and the like, but lots of crime, corrupt police, politicians, gangs and even a few cults here and there. It's an innocent place at day and a terrifying place at night. [hr][h3]Characters[/h3]Be sure to make balanced characters, that have both flaws and strengths. Though we may have superpowers, we're still human. ^ _^[hider=Character Sheet] Name: Quote: Alias: Age: Gender: Family: Occupation: (If any) Appearance: (1+ paragraphs detailing your character's appearance, picture(s) are optional. (Real life, cartoon, anime, anything is fine.). Be sure to describe their daily attire as well as their costume if they have one for in-the-flesh operations) Method of Operation: (Describe to us how your character does their vigilante work. Do they ever engage in physical combat? Do they make themselves known, or does no one know they exist?) Superpower: (Be sure to include how it works, it's weaknesses, and it's strengths.) Skills: (Not necessarily combat skills.) Equipment: Personality: (2+ paragraphs) Biography: (Be sure to include when they discovered their superpowers (it can be apparent at birth, or show up at a later time in their life) and when they decided to become a vigilante) Theme Song: (Optional) Relationships: (Optional, discuss this with other players!) Extra: [/hider] [hider=Cast List]Levi Lynn - Static - Electricity Manipulation Valencia Matthews - Graffiti - Air Pressure Manipulation Aurora Lorell - Raven Tale - Story Creation Manhattan McClain - Omega - Gravity Manipulation Jason Grave - Turn Back - Kinetic Absorption and Redistribution[/hider] https://discord.gg/0rpsMxPm8stOtYK9