[quote=@Double Capybara] And mate, you made me even hungrier for a good old fashioned extinction. It doesn't have to be a permian tier almost annihilation of all life, but it would be hilarious to see a "Dinosaurs into Chickens" situation with the Heraktati. [/quote] An idea- If we let the races develop a little before the Friday Night Mass Culling Event, then they'll be developing in a very literal post-Armageddon world. It'll add a lot of flavour to their mythology (i.e. how they view and try to understand the gods based on their actions) and add a bit of that delicious apocalyptic survival theme. [quote=@Fabulous Knight] [@Double Capybara]It's true, a goddess of beauty is likely to take on that role. But I don't know, I think beauty of the [i]flesh[/i] is more their deal. That's right. Jvan is the goddess of hookers. [/quote] Jvan is the god of the sick curiousity that possesses an artist before they start taking fetish hentai commissions on Deviantart.