[@Charnobylisk] Welcome to our little slice of Madness! Love seeing new faces. Having some more wanders would be great. (I do believe a mutual friend of ours has spoken to me about you - ^_~) [@Nallore] That sounds good, I'll be putting up more details with the wandering groups soon now that we are getting more involved with them. Those that will start out as wanders will be randomly decided to whether they are recruited or if they just stumble on the city. Randomization will play a huge part in this. Though we won't be deciding fights and such by actual dice rolls I will use some to add to the Rp. I have scenarios drawn up and all the characters assigned a "number" as well as various outcomes. So things like "close calls", "getting bit", "bite location", death and more is all up to the randomization gods. So anyone at any time can get hurt, bit, or die. (Even me) Wanted to do it this way to keep things tense and people on their toes. Like with the show - anything can happen at any time. Once we get started there will also be other groups our group could come into contact with. Again. All random. So though even though I am hosting this, even I don't know where we will end up or who will survive.