From her perch on high, Carina could only sigh as she watched the flow of events and how ridiculously badly the whole thing was handled. There definitely seemed to be more than one girl down there, yet they hadn't been able to catch a single Witch and kill it. Especially as it went on the run if her Soul Gem was any indication. Admittedly she wasn't the biggest fan of devoting excess effort, especially after she had already said that she would leave to other people, but come on! Even she could have handled it better than this. She stopped flipping her blades for the moment as she stepped forward to get a better look at wherever the Witch had ended up, eyes widening slightly as she saw it practically on the main thoroughfare of the city itself, as witnessed by the girls moving that way. Well, this was probably enough to be qualified as a disaster now. And that was what she go for deciding that someone else could handle he problem. Still, she didn't immediately leap into action, frowning as she looked around. "Hey Kyubey," she said aloud, not sure if he would actually answer, but using him as a springboard to motivate herself anyway, whether he was here or not. "You think they need my help?" She really didn't want to get involved in something as small as this, but if she had to then she would.