Eira kept running through the woods, hearing armoured footsteps behind her. Good, they took the bait. She had studied the maps slightly before coming here, knowing that there was a swamp not too far away. She stopped in her tracks and focused on her hearing and shot an arrow towards where the sound was coming from. She did not wait for it to hit the mark before she started dashing again. Behind her she could hear a thud as the arrow struck a tree along with more cursing from her two pursuers. She had gotten their attention once again, they slowed down for a moment to see if more arrows came their way before the took up the chase once again. By this point Eira had created a bit of a lead and scanned the swamp she had arrived at. She identified a path through the marshes and quickly got to work crossing it. On the other side of it she sat down on her knees as if exhausted. "There she is!" a voice came from the other side and she looked back at it, a frightened look in her face. "Get er" the other said and they both began to dash towards her. A smile appeared on Eira's lips as both men tried to make their way through the water. She got up and turned around, facing both of them. "May the gods be kind on your spirits," she said as they got stuck in the mud, "because this servant shall end your suffering." Eira notched an arrow and aimed at one of the men before letting it loose. She quickly shot the other man as well with a heavy heart. As they fell back into the murky waters it slowly started to turn red with their blood. She prayed that their deaths had been quick and painless before she doubled over and threw up. "I'll never get used to killing I guess," she said and chuckled weakly once she was done. She wiped herself off on some moss before she started making her way back to the camp. Hopefully her companions were not all dead, his father would never forgive her if they were. Eira looked up towards the sky and made a quick prayer before she started to run once again. She made it back to the camp and saw that it had been cleared out. "I guess they made it out alive after all," she said to herself with a slight smile before they made their way back to where Ellinor should be. However, she was not there and Stein shouted her name. "[b]Feikinstafir[/b]" Eira scanned the area and found some footprints on the ground and started following them. She noticed that the 'knight' was on the move as well, possibly coming to the same conclusion that she had, Ellinor was in trouble. She readied her bow and notched an arrow, grasping it gently with one hand and the bow in the other as she quickly began to track. It did not take long until she came upon an armoured person sitting next to a female body. Eira stopped dead in her tracks and quickly let loose an arrow that stuck to the ground next to the man's head. She quickly readied another arrow. "Get away from her you [b]rakki[/b]," she shouted at him, hoping that the others were following along her. While the man was armoured, she was confident that she could at least damage him enough with an arrow, and he was laying down, letting her at least let loose a few before he could make his way over, or try to kill Ellinor for that matter. Eira hoped that she would not have to kill another, she had killed enough for a lifetime it felt like.