[@CloseEnough] [@MonsieurShade] [@Gravislayer] Elysia watched as Roland explained to her how exactly his Gunlance worked. She'd never been allowed to forge a Gunlance, the weapon was considered 'for advanced blacksmiths only.' So hearing this explanation of how this thing worked was actually rather intriguing. Elysia wished she had known this sooner. Maybe if she had known exactly how the thing worked, she wouldn't have blown her mentor's face off. Roy had explained to her exact instructions of what to do to be sure it didn't go off.. she'd pressed it..and then Roy was dead. She'd always thought it was her fault that Roy was dead.. and the more Roland talked about the weapon, the more uncomfortable Elysia became. She wasn't about to admit this to him, but his weapon scared the shit out of her. She simply didn't trust a weapon that could projectile vomit fire into things. Elysia hesitated before looking at the igniter. Nothing at first.. nothing.. and then a spark. She swore colorfully, leaping away as if it bit her. [color=ed1c24]"Hell no. I'm not putting my face anywhere near that thing anymore!"[/color] She stated, fists clenched at her side. [color=ed1c24]"I've had a bad experience with one of these things before... alright? Let's leave it at that."[/color] Fear danced behind her eyes, but she covered it by stiffening her shoulders and narrowing her eyes, making it seem like she was more angry than afraid. If they found out she was afraid of Roland's Gunlance? What would they think? How could she be a good hunter if she was afraid of one of the weapons used by them? How could she ever expect to get the respect she wanted if she couldn't stop her legs from shaking?