[@Lady Amalthea] I do believe a mutual friend mentioned you to me as well so it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance properly. :lol I found this RP before he told me who you were actually so it was a lovely little coincidence when he finally told me your SN. :D I'd love to make a couple wanderers if that is okay. I also have a bit of a penchant for creating at least one villian style character in every RP I join too if that would be acceptable? If I did make my villian type one I think I'd like to have them wander in the first group since they would think of people as meatshields and nothing more. That way my wanderer in the second group could be the other extreme of trying to be a hero type which will probably get them killed haha. Also the whole randomisation is freakin' awesome, it's got me totally excited for what's coming next! I need to get working on my CSs. [@Nallore] Awesome! Just so I'm super duper clear, will Maria and her sister still be part of the second group or are they now on their own, wandering off the wayside after being separated from the group entirely? I don't want to screw any of your ideas up! I'll write up my sheet just now and put in what I think could work but I won't finish up the whole history until I run my ideas by you first. That okay by you? :)