[center] [img]http://images.cooltext.com/4611854.png[/img] [i]It all began with one collision, one burst, the creation of everything. [b]And now, it seems like we have a chance to end it all[/b][/i] [h3]Basic Introduction[/h3] Welcome to Sollus Supremus (Sol-S for Short), the newest attempt at a space opera on the forum. Sol-S shall basically be an attempt at turning the Milky Way into a place divided into houses similar to Medieval Europe, but with different alien species and possibly some different alien religions. Sol-S will also involve a UN-type of council where the leaders of all nations who decide to go shall meet on a planet decided by the person calling together the council to meet (I haven't decided on a name for the council so if any of you have ideas that would be appreciated) [h3]Rules[/h3] 1: Don't be a douche 2: No BDO's 3: No going outside of the Milky Way 4: No objects allowing you to go through an object. 5: No Time Travel 6: I can add more rules if needed 7: Character Based, stats do not matter [h3]Technology Description[/h3] FTL has been fully achieved by all of the nations across the galaxy, making travel quick between areas. The way that FTL shall be created for your nation is up to you. If you want, you can create Worm-Holes to travel across the galaxy, or you could just use the generic FTL drive. As stated in the rules, I am not allowing BDO's. If you do not know BDO stands for Big Dumb Object (Something like the Death Star in Star Wars). A BDO is basically just some object that can go and around insta-destroying planets and is only created to be destroyed. The reason why I don't want this to be used is because I feel like it would limit the RP story wise and it would just turn this into who can create the biggest thing to be destroyed. [h3]Nation Sheet[/h3] [i]Name of Nation Species Description Area in the Galaxy (Use map posted below) Technological Description History Government Description Cultural/Religious Description Other[/i] [hider=Map] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/12/Artist's_impression_of_the_Milky_Way_(updated_-_annotated).jpg[/img] [/hider] I claim the Sol System and some of the surrounding galaxies. [/center] [url=http://us20.chatzy.com/11938392405979]IC Chat (Only for the Council Meetings[/url] [url=http://us20.chatzy.com/14427419151295]OOC Chat[/url]