[quote=@Fabulous Knight] Is this a good size? [hider=Revolutionary Kurtiye] [img]http://i.imgur.com/UBBNdgM.jpg[/img] [/hider] I didn't know if you counted the inner part of the galaxy as part of the Scutum-Centaurus spiral, so it might be way too big. [/quote] Yes, I'm fine with it. [quote=@Natsucooldude] [@MetalLover]would you be fine with players collaborating and making alliances before the game proper starts? [/quote] I'm also okay with that. [quote=@Commodore Robot] [@Fabulous Knight] Haven't yet. Wasn't sure whether I wanted to make them some kind of posthuman offshoot or go full on alien. [/quote] I plan on writing in something about colonies (cause humans must have colonies) and probably adding them to the map so if you'd like to go and say that your race is just some failed experiment on one of the colonies I'd be fine.