[i]Well.[/i] Jahan thought, watching the carnage unfold before him. [i]Not exactly what I had in mind, but I suppose it worked out.[/i] He had been sincere with his words - genuinely hoping that the brigands would see sense and join up with the Black Shields. Instead, he had apparently torn apart their - obviously fragile - status quo and caused a full scale brawl to erupt. He had taken a few steps back when the fight had begun. He was more than capable of defending himself of course, but there was always the risk of getting injured in a brawl like that. The way the brigands fought showed a clear lack of training; their attacks were born of instinct rather than any rational thinking, and it would be far too easy for one of their flailing weapons to catch him if he stood too close. So he stepped back and observed, instead. It was strange, really; thinking that something he had said had caused something so drastic to happen. But that was a train of thought for another time. There were more pressing issues at the moment. He watched as the nobleman charged the brigand with the cleaver. He thought that the young lord could probably hold his own, but he still wanted to try and assist. After all, it wouldn't look very good if he didn't even [i]attempt[/i] to help. He edged closer, watching as the two skirmished, until he saw the nobleman slash the brigand's hand. [i]Now.[/i] He thought to himself. Rushing forward, he took full advantage of the brigands' momentary lapse of awareness and dived at his legs, tackling him to the ground. The brigand fell to the floor, his head connecting with the ground whilst making a sickening crack. Jahan was worried that he had done some serious damage to the man at first, but his fears fell away as the man began to groan softly. [i]“Go ahead and take all of it,”[/i] Jahan looked at the nobleman, a look of thinly veiled contempt on his face. "I'm good, thanks. I feel no desire to lower myself to the same level of these men, desperately rummaging through fresh corpses in search of minor loot." He said, turning away and beginning the preparations for the march back. He may have been a bit harsh to the man, but he wanted to stand out and make an impression. He couldn't act as a common soldier, even if he was one. He knew that the best way to earn a promotion was to act like it was already his.