Hey people, I made something [hider=nation sheet] Name: The qulseoc technocracy Species: the qulseoc. A species of amphibious cephalopods characterized by weak physiques and strong mental prowess. Both of which have grown ever more severe in scope due to gene therapy intent on expanding their already mighty brains. Their bodies are of a shifting color depending on their mood and with what intent they might be talking to someone at that moment. Their default coloration is a muted shade of brown, with hotter colors like red and yellow signifying heightened emotional states whereas colder colors indicate an unusual level of calmness or reservation.They reproduce ovipariously, with the female typically laying clutches of five to six eggs which hatch within five to six months. The typical low to middle class qulseoc lives only for a period of about 80 years. Around eight of which are spent growing up after which they typically join the active workforce population for about fifty years. Upper-class Culseoq are considered too important to ever stop their work however, and as such see their lives extended greatly to a state of nigh on biological immortality. Area in the galaxy: The inner Norma arm Technology:Qulseoc technology is their pride and joy. They have built a large part of their society around the development and advancement of technology, regardless of moral or ethical implications. This has led them to great strides in genetic manipulation, both of animals and of sentient beings. Furthermore, as a physically weak species that became sentient seemingly more by luck than anything else, another technological focus of them has been robotics and weaponry. This to the point that the average qulseoc could be mistaken for a very advanced robot were it not for the fact their utilitarian designs are rather infamous in how aesthetically boring they are. History:The qulseoc formed out of the primordial soup of a mostly land-covered planet they refer to as Krilles. For a long time, the primal squids' lives were short and brutal. Their species only barely hanging on due to quick reproduction and the subtle beginnings of their later advanced intelligence giving them just the small edge they needed. To their fortune, some great natural disaster heavily upset the biosphere, creating an evolutionary bottleneck in which they came out on top. The upstart stages of their civilization already saw them favoring cooperation and intelligence over brute force, and it was quickly established that not the strongest, but the brainiest were the most successful. This maxim has survived all the way to the present day, where it has come to define the way their society is organized. Government: The qulseoc's government is heavily based upon merit. With the most competent amongst them getting the most resources to further the cause of their entire kind with. The ruling class consists of great scientists, engineers, and even some less hard sciences like psychologists. Titles, lands and resources are allotted based upon past contributions that a qulseoc has made to society, with the leading minds in fields being granted overlordship over their colleagues in their respective field of study and allowing them to define the focus that their shared research projects will generally follow. Currently, the most influential quelsoc of this time is undoubtedly Grand overseer Marianas-5. Overseer of the physicist school, Discoverer of FTL travel. Culture and religion: Qulseoc culture is quite utilitarian and meritocratic in nature. With a strong push for citizens to focus their lives on things directly beneficial to society. Strong automation of industry has made manual labor quite obsolete, and so even the lowest classes of workers have some sort of education, even if it's in a rather mundane field like robot maintenance. Opportunities for advancement are nominally present for all layers of society, but actual economic and social mobility for the lower classes is slim to nonexistent due to a combination of bureaucracy and societal entrenchment of the higher classes. Most Qulseoc are not really upset at this state of affairs due to a strong conditioning to accept that those of higher intelligence deserve more authority. When it comes to religion, Qulseoc take quite a scientific approach. That being that they acknowledge its existence as a societal construct, but mostly consider themselves to be above it. At least until such a time as when one can present them with factually correct and scientific proof that a being of divine nature does in fact exist. So far, this implicit challenge to all religions out there has gone unchallenged. [/hider]