See if you can guess the blatant influences: [hider=Revolutionary Kurtiye] [b]Name of Nation:[/b] [color=ed1c24]Revolutionary Kurtiye[/color] [b]Species Description:[/b] Many races laboured under the name of Mutlagi. The land is ruled by noble Kurts, wolfish men of great martial prowess. The revolution is driven by the harpy Vamkart, hard mountain clansmen living in hard mountain worlds. Hyasla, wily lion-like hyena-men, travel tirelessly throughout the empire to perpetuate the silicon trade. On the outskirts of galactic space, locust Cozacs roam nomadically in their mighty tribes. And in their verdant watermarsh planets farm the mantis Liszka, outstanding bureaucrats and the source of the most feared soldiers in the empire. [b]Area in the Galaxy:[/b] Perseus arm [b]Technological Description:[/b] [PENDING LORE FINALISATION]The Golden Palace-Planet of Kralshehir held a monopoly on the silicon god-machines relied upon to warp from planet to planet. After the slow decline of the Mutlagi, the imperial capital lost its shine. More competitive traders usurped the Kurtiye crown, and now the empire relies upon its regional production. This production is large. Factory-planets line the Vamkarta heartlands; Liszka swarm over watervine-fields and maxigrasses. Hyasla traders make the most of what they can, while Cozacs mine and salvage on the edge of space. Kurtiye’s industry is large, although its edge is lost; it could rise again and dominate the silicon market -- or fall into total stagnation. [b]History:[/b] The Kurtiye raiders invaded long ago. They burned planets, brought down temples and subjugated kings. They forged a golden empire amid the ruins of the old Liszkantines and Hyaslanids -- one that lasted a thousand years. Long reigned the Mutlagi, Absolute Monarch. Long lived his Soldier’s Bureaucracy, built on the back of the slave-race Liszka. Long was the arm of Kurtish power. Long past are those glory days. The empire stagnated. The Mutlagi claimed all-authority, and hoarded all power for himself. His Uzassary servants enforced the status quo, their greed moving them to keep their own people slaves and to alienate the Kurtish aristocracy. And then came Bad Kral Urtahil. The people could only take so much. The Kurts rebelled. They raised a righteous army of noble Askas, fuelled by the fires of liberalism. Every noble equal! The Kral shall reign but shall not govern! Kralshehir burned. But it was not enough for the slave races. Their master may change, but the whip would still flick. So they rebelled. A peasant’s army. Made of stout militiamen. Vamkarta struck from their mountain homes and stoked the fires of revolution beneath peaceful, populous, powerful Liszk. They had not forgotten what race the Mutlaga’s praetorian guard were. And they would not stop at democracy. They would not stop until all the galaxy laboured as one society, one -- satrap. One commune. The Mutlagi has lost his head. The roads ran red with the blood of the dead. No more Mutlag, no more Uzassary. Uneasy peace, silent war between the revolutionary Kurts and the revolutionary freemen. [b]Government Description:[/b] The Revolutionary Hall. A palace commandeered -- Mutlag posters torn down and replaced with hasty red flags. Not an official parliament. Just a meeting place, between the proud young Kurtler and the rugged dust-worn wolni. Both armed with long knives. [b]Cultural/Religious Description:[/b] There are two factions. The Young Kurts, and the Ozgerssary. The Young Kurts are committed to democracy, to -- noble control. They are supported by the Kurts, naturally, both noble and peasant. And they control the means of production. They control the ships. They control the trade-lanes. They control the money. The Ozgerssary are radical. They are consumed by revolutionary fervour. And they are very well armed. They control the largest army. They [i]are[/i] the army. They are tense. Like a wolf and a bear, facing off. They can live in the same cave, eat the same corpse. For a while. But one bad look -- one accidental touch... [/hider]