[center][h1][color=steelblue]Vaahn 'Rook' Alphine[/color][/h1][/center] Sitting slightly to himself for the moment, Vaahn ate slowly as he thought about the recent events, he thought about this Brook's fella and as his pokégear buzzed in his pocket he picked it up to look at the message on it for a moment. He then sighed before looking to Sonya [color=steelblue]"I leave Twix here with you for a moment ok?... I need to go feed another of my pokémon and its better if I do it alone... he don't like anyone else really..."[/color] he said as he stood and looked to his Sylveon for a moment. [color=steelblue]"Twix... Stay with Sonya ok?... protect her with your life if you have too... I assign you this mission K?"[/color] he said smiling slightly. [color=brown]Twix tilted his head as he looked to Vaahn, he then nodded and chimed his name loudly in acknowledge as he scooted to Sonya's side. Vaahn then turned around and left again for the brush yet stopped to pick up about four bowls worth of food before he did so, walking away from the camp far enough to not be seen nor heard by anyone. He wondered if the klefki would follow him this time too, yet he didn't care that much if the pokémon followed him this time. He picked up the pokéball he had rubbed before and held it in his hand for a while, he then sighed before throwing it in the air. [color=steelblue]"Kaiser... its dinner time..."[/color]he said as the Tyranitar came out of its ball. [color=black]Kaiser[/color] looked around before frowning and snorting as he stretched out, twisted his head a few times and the let out a heavy breath. Vaahn looked up at the large pokémon and then gave him the food, [color=steelblue]"Its just us for the moment Kaiser... but we are travelling with a group of others... I don't know if there will be trouble ahead... but for now these people are our allies... please... don't kill them if I need to let you out ok?... Yes, you have every reason not to trust them, but please... for now... just for now. If things go bad... I just tell you to unleash your fury, and then you can let loose ok?... deal?.... good its a deal"[/color] he said as he discussed with Kaiser and Kaiser replied in his own way. Vaahn backed off to let Kaiser eat and sat down to look at the sky himself.