[b]Name:[/b] Kazumi Sato [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Kazumi Sato][center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v479/Raptor729/KS_1_zpsjatbsno5.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Major:[/b] Ecology [b]Part Time Job:[/b] Arcadia Arcade [list] [*]Earning $9/hour and works Wednesdays and Fridays from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM [/list] [b]Money:[/b] Total Funds are $900.00 [list] [*] [i]Cash:[/i] $63.78 [*] [i]Account:[/i] $836.22 [/list] [b]Residence:[/b] [list] [*]Lives with parents in Breezy Hills.[/list] [b]Family:[/b] [list] [*] [i]Kazehana Sato[/i] - Mother, 46, Real Estate Agent [*] [i]Mamoru Sato[/i] - Father, 49, Automotive Engineer [/list] [b]Hobbies:[/b] [list] [*][i]Gaming[/i] – Anything and everything. Got some unresolved frustrations with a few impossible brainteasers that need solving? Maybe an immersive RPG that will keep away the sun for days on end? How about one of those first-person shooters all the kids are playing… guaranteed to be filled with hoards of zombies no less?[/list] [list] [*][i]Biking[/i] – Not all things are fun and games. Some hobbies are just plain fun, and a fantastic way to sightsee around the town. Traveling by bike is Kazumi’s preferred mode of transportation when by herself, though other modes are happily accepted, especially on those brutal weather days.[/list] [list] [*][i]Baking[/i] – Ah, baking. Those highly addicting sweets that add the pounds and rot the teeth when perfected are masterfully crafted from the loving heart… and just as quickly burnt to a blackened crisp in the often blamed oven. Quite frustrating, Kazumi knows. That is why the very first days of trial and error are long since over. That’s right, delicious creations are continuously being made by Kazumi herself. Don’t believe? Even with all of the compliments? Guess trying them out is the only way to find out.[/list] [b]Aspirations:[/b] [list] [*]Going beyond simply exploring the land around her, Kazumi desires to not only study the ecosystems of the world, but to join in on the cause to preserve the natural habitats that exist to this very day. Wishing for a way to coexist with less of an environmental impact is also of great interest.[/list] [b]Fears:[/b] [list] [*][i]Cleithrophobia[/i] – A fear of being trapped or locked in an enclosed space.[/list] [b]4 Positive Trails and 1 Negative Trait:[/b] [indent]+ [i]Generous:[/i] Despite being blessed with a greater financial wealth, Kazumi has refused to allow her elevated status go to her head. Alive with a benevolent heart, she has taken many opportunities to lighten the burdens upon those she has been grateful to meet no matter what sort of assistance may have been required. + [i]Resourceful:[/i] Not every situation can be simple all the time. That’s why when things get overly complicated; it is time step back a moment and use another more logical approach. Like a detective to an unsolved mystery, every piece of knowledge she holds and every connection she knows will be used to its fullest extent to set everything right again. + [i]Courageous:[/i] No matter how inevitable a situation may be Kazumi will always be a fighter to the very end. She may not be the strongest [i]or[/i] even the fastest, but Kazumi will not give up on herself or anyone else that requires her help. + [i]Energetic:[/i] Kazumi is almost always on the move and is enthusiastic in trying anything out for the very first time… or the second. Got an outing? Is it outside of work hours? If so, then game on. - [i]Headstrong:[/i] Yes, even Kazumi can have her moments of unwillingness. Who knew? Despite her valiant efforts to remain unfazed by life’s frequent tribulations, sometimes stubborn emotions creep up unexpectedly. Depending on the situation, a simple compromise can alleviate the problem. For the tougher situations it may require a bit more to reacquire a level head.[/indent]