Fall looked up as the soldier with the battered face left. The person looking on appeared to be someone that could have made such a request into an order. At the very least she was glad that he wasn't one of the veterans from her old company. She used her sword to lift herself to her feet, sinking the tip of the scabbard into the mud. "Sure, but don't expect much." With her weapon balanced on one shoulder and a shoulder bag over the other Fall followed the northerner to his tent. It would serve her well to put some more effort into her work this time, being on the good side of the people that give the orders is never a bad thing. She dug in her pouch for a fresh needle and gut. The way things were going she would have to find more before long. As the armor came off she took a long look at the tribal markings. It would be nice if she could avoid damaging them though this would be easier if he were to stop moving around. Her stitches were more confident this time as a novice might be more confident working on an arm than a face. Her mind wandered as she worked. What had these people been doing that had gotten one of them injured so quickly. They'd not been here long and any enemy sightings would have roused the whole camp. The would was closed with only a handful of careful stitches placed carefully so that none lay directly on top of any of the markings. She dug in her shoulder bag and pulled out some linen bandages. She wiped the blood off and started to wrap his arm. She spoke softly "I'm not going to tell you not to use the arm but If you pull these out I might be upset."