[@OtomostheCrazy] Xoxi catches a glimpse of the world and sees the tear. [color=662d91]"Oh shit! What happened?"[/color] Xoxi saw a female form similar to hers exit the tear and move towards Britain. She was really unsure of what's going on, and the taste of a bad time was imminent. Almost instinctively, like a motherly sense or such, Xoxi tightened the hug a bit, not to the point of putting discomfort onto Yuki, but rather to a reassuring and safe grip. [color=662d91]"So... do you guys think it has to do with that shit Rhona talked about a time ago? That sins thing?"[/color] Xoxi didn't side anywhere on the war. On one hand you had a set of twins and a siren, the other had Landon and a mass-murderer. In order to keep from picking sides, she stayed in Yuki's realm and trained with the Mirifakino warriors, honing her shadow powers, and even though there wasn't a "moon" for the realm, there was some lunar power within it, letting Xoxi's strength become stable and great. The warriors provided good sparring partners, and Xoxi even modeled a prototype of a shadow after one of them. The prototype fought with range, and was a very powerful force. Xoxi made it look like a skeleton with a glowing eye. MEANWHILE IN THE SEWERS OF DEJ... [color=007236]Xoxi's spirit form stood, not bent on creating a race or destroying anything, but rather making everything suffer.[/color] Her powers were the same as Xoxi's, but she had more power within them, and she knew how to abuse them to the fullest potential. A foundation of the city of Dej was broken, as the spirit lept out and shadow-ported to New London. It landed there perfectly fine, and took the form of a myceling, covered in black fur with a green tint. Her goal - causing an anarchy within the city of New London. She would convince the Myceling president to step down and not take office. Nobody would take it after, then an anarchy would result, allowing for famine, pestilence, war, death, and most importantly, torture, to arise.