[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/psnplatinum/images/9/93/Captain_America_SS_logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20131129021953[/img][/center][right]Metropolis[/right] Cap was thankful that they still made villain's dumb. Creel feel for the whole routine. Blasted the building, panicked and turned to concrete. Steve raised his shield, prepared to finish the fight only to watch a fist pop through the man's chest. Steve's eyes followed the arm to the 'S' crest. Mentally he closed his eyes and too a deep breath. [color=7ea7d8][i]This just got complicated[/i][/color]. He thought before he lowered his shield. He vaguely listened to the new duo talk. He made sure to keep them both in his line of sight as he looked around for Zatanna, hoping for the best. But still prepared for the worse. The woman was further away than she was earlier and miraculously unharmed. Thanks to Superman Steve assumed. There was a short list of people who could move fast enough that even he couldn't see them. She gave him a small smile before making sure Creel would stay down. And until the authorities came and took him back to jail. [quote=Superman][color=steelblue][b]“I guess I should probably introduce myself, Captain. My name is Superman and my friend here goes by the name of Hawkeye. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”[/b][/color][/quote] Steve took the offered hand. "[color=7ea7d8]I could say the same. Word is you've done a lot of good around here. Thanks for the assist.[/color]" Steve allowed himself a small smile as he released Superman's hand. Zatanna walked in closer, apparently satisfied that her spell would hold Creel. "You always arrive just in the nick of time?" The Leaguer teased. "Or do you watch and wait for the most dramatic moment to arrive." She smirked broadly. "Though to be fair, we were handling it until Hawkguy arrived." She directed her best award winning stage smile towards Hawkeye. Steve resisted the impulse to roll his eyes. While he wasn't happy with Hawkeye's incomplete grasp of the situation, Superman did make up for it. Still there was a certain decorum the league was expected to meet. "[color=7ea7d8]Zatanna.[/color]" Steve said her name in a warning tone before continuing on normally. People were crowing back around with camera phones again. And was that an actual reporter? They were like vultures. How they managed to arrive before the cops did, the world would never know. It was their super power. Or so quite a few people had suggested. "[color=7ea7d8]Is Creel doing okay?[/color]" Zee waved her hand dismissively. "He'll be fine. Just might take him a while to find a substance that will allow him to more easily reconstitute himself. While he's concrete he wont be a problem thanks to Superman." Steve nearly arched an eyebrow. Either Zatanna was jealous or embarrassed. Or even possibly entertaining a crush on her rescuer. Or any combination thereof.